How To Fail in Project Management Case Study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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Essentially this system is meant to stream business operations in all parameters by acting as a watch dog for the management and stakeholders far beyond the extend that human eyes can see as far as managing and controlling business resources and operations is concerned. In an effort to implement this system there was a challenge in bringing this system to its full life through effective implementation. The most sensitive part of planning of any project is the implementation of the set courses of action through the necessary courses of action. In one of the organizations I worked for as the director in the project planning and implementation we made a key commitment to streamline our business operations through introduction of the ERP system but unfortunately this never saw the light if the day, (Maditinos et.

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Al, 2011) Project implementation requires key commitment and unity of purpose in walking the talk to the full materialization of the desired ends. Al, 2009) therefore project implementation should be strongly supported by the vision bearers who in this case are the project managers who have the bigger picture in mind of the idea to be implemented. When this is done the vision bearers impart positive energy to other members of the organization who have little ideas or knowledge of what has to be done. The failed ERP system also taught me that competence of the staff working towards implementation of the new strategy is key ranging from academic qualifications to competence in the right skills and the right attitude towards the assigned tasks.

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(Al-Ahmad, et. Al, 2009) introduction of a new technology would positively and adversely impact the existing work force and therefore many employees are skeptical to adopt a new technology for fear of victimization or implication on their roles therefore this should be done slowly through the change adoption model till everyone can positively associate with the new change to be implanted. This could be possible through taking time to go through past projects that never lived to the dream and then collectively trying to objectively look through in order to be able to unfold the hidden misfortunes that befell those projects then also calling for the project managers to put effort in changing or improving on the weak points. At this point it is critical to appreciate and compensate the project managers who did their best in the past projects to motivate and also offer no credit to them that never did their best in making the project a great success, (Lam et.

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Al, 2005) It is also very important that I should point out directly to the areas where there was key lapses that led to the failure in implementing past projects. People need to be told the truth they don’t know or the truth they ignore in order for them to reframe from repeating similar mistakes in future projects. From yet another perspective engaging the project managers to point out what they feel led to the failure of past projects will also be very material in ensuring you understand the problem from all the sides, on listening to their points it is important to help them improve where they were unable to do their best due to lack of knowledge or lack of the right skills.

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