Human Resource Selection Methods

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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Through hiring best and qualified candidates, the organization will benefit through the productivity of the employees. This paper will uncover different selection methods which the human resource hiring staff use in the ensuring that they hire the best employee for various posts. This paper will major on three selection methods namely structured Interviews, reference checks as well as telephone and screening. Structured Interviews Structured interviews are among the extensively used method in assessing applicants. It involves evaluating of job applicants using questions focusing on the knowledge, skills and the features of the job. In a situational interview, the interviewer asks the applicant to describe how they can handle various situations which are similar to ones experienced in the workplace. “What will you do if you notice your co-workers are planning to go on an illegal strike?” Such a question will rely on the candidate's capability to illustrate how can handle such situations in the future.

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Behavioral description question asks the candidates to label a previous behavior revealed in the circumstances applicable to the experience of concern. For instance, “describe a circumstance where you examined and interpreted information. ” However, structured interviews have both strengths and weaknesses as illustrated below. This is beneficial in making those with difficulties while trying to understand the subject and also acts as an eye opener for the applicants. The other types of selection seem harsh for applicants to read such situations well but with structured interviews, it is very much possible. The interviewer can also rearticulate the questions in a manner which suits the interviewee. Last and not the least structured interviews can be done for any job and at any level.

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Weaknesses of structured interviews Structured interviews have a very little empathy between the applicants and the hiring managers. They are also used in checking a candidate’s suitability in occupying a vacant position. Some candidates perform poorly during the interviews, but they are great on paper. Also, there are those who perform great on interviews, but when they get the job, they become different people. Therefore, an active hiring manager will demand referees from the candidates to ensure that they are really what they claim they are on paper and in the interview. They help the hiring committee in learning more about the applicant's past experiences and his or her familiarity with the applied position (Cook, 2016). Well-Executed reference checks help the interviewers in gaining insight into who the fellow peers view the candidate.

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Also, these checks can assist in providing the information which the candidate did not deliver in the application, resumes or during the interview. Weaknesses of reference checks Asking for a reference from a present boss signals that the employee is considering a move. This might give the employer the chance to provide the employee with a counter-offer as an attempt of luring the employee to stay. Counter offers can involve a pay rise or a promotion within the organization. Mainly, a screening interview involves a brief evaluation of the candidate’s background as well as a set of questions to define if the interviewee is worthwhile for the vacant position. The questions usually major on the qualification and requirements of the job but the interviewer may also like to know the applicant’s salary requirements and his or her availability to work.

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Since it’s the first stage of the hiring process, the screening interview will determine whether the candidate will be chosen to continue with the hiring process. Therefore, the applicant should be very cautious on the interviewer's tone and it is also advisable that the candidate have a notepad and pen to write essential questions and things which the interviewer says. Telephone interviews are mostly used in sales related jobs because verbal communication is paramount in such jobs. Secondly, phone screening saves resources. The fact that phone screening can be done from anywhere, there is no need of securing a conference or interview room or provide forms for the applicants to fill in. Besides, the interviewer will quickly reveal if the candidate is real or unreal.

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Moreover, telephone screening is flexible since they are not necessarily done within the working hours. This ensures fewer interruptions and the availability of both the applicant and the interviewer. Conclusion In summary, these selection methods are significant in the hiring process, and the organization should invest more resources in ensuring that they get value for their money afterward. The organizations should provide that it involves all the human resource in compiling the questions used in structured interviews. The questions should also be engaging, and the interview should have a panel which can create a great relationship with the applicants hence avoiding intimidation. As for the reference checks, the hiring department should ensure that the referees provided by the candidates are the required referees and not their peers.

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