Ideal educational approach

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

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These ideal qualities are just imaginary systems, considering that the actual systems are riddled with inefficiencies and drag systems that make education lack the requisite threshold for something ideal. An ideal education system entails competitive instruction model, ability streaming and Problem-solving and cognition-based assessment, all of which must aim at achieving educational liberation, democracy in class, and progressive education. The ideal educational systems present challenging models that include skills in science, mathematics, reading and literacy, and problem-solving. Achieving this educational system requires the addition of highly qualified and competitive teachers, increased societal trust in the work of educators, better assessment and learning techniques and recognition of educational needs beyond conventional perceptions of performance (Wilk, 2017). Unlike the current non-competitive models, the ideal educational systems run on the model that has been tried, tested, and proven to be successful.

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Each learner is offered a fair chance to contribute in interesting discussions, eradicating thoughts of inability among learners. In developing capable instructors, an ideal education is required to have teachers possessing a minimum qualification of a master`s degree, including primary school instructors. These educators must undertake a research-based educational which purposes to nurture analytical and flexible personalities. By refining an education system`s instruction, learning outcomes are also equally enhanced. Ensuring the best possible instruction is dispensed to every learner is a major characteristic required of an ideal system. This model ensures that no one is left behind in an education system. An entire learning unit is challenged at a level gauge, which is appropriate and uniform in terms of learning ratios and learning outcomes (Fabien, 2019).

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The model allows teachers to move ahead at a higher pace with a group of bright students who do not require much supervision and little attention. In a class of slow learners, a similar approach is employed. However, a slower approach is employed to ensure learning abilities are nurtured at similar rates. Problem-solving and cognition-based assessment Educational assessment is a critical component of an ideal education system. Over the past decades, there have been challenges associated with traditional scientific measurement models, which has over time dominated assessment practices. Traditional assessment models have over-emphasized the statistical tests and reification of single measurement test scores. The incorporation of problem-based learning, new perspectives of cognition, and the rise of problem assessment have made diagnostic and formative assessment ideal assessment tools (Von Davier, 2017).

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Maximizing this assessment model is considered ideal as it maximizes knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding learning activities. It also allows for learner segregation since students are categorized based on academic performance rather than the universal need of developing academic competence. The implementation of cognition-based assessment and problem-solving technique fails to consider the development beyond the use of knowledge in solving problems. Since credits are offered based on participation ability to solve problems, credit is not accorded to other learning needs such as learning for fun. Credits must be awarded as learning outcomes for specific qualification pact after achieving a particular level of performance criteria and learning outcomes. Conclusion An ideal education system entails competitive instructions, ability streaming, and Problem-solving and cognition-based assessment, all of which must aim at achieving education, democracy in class and progressive education.

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