Impact of Learning Culture in Organizations

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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One of the main elements of a business is the element of human capital. This human capital requires constant in order to ensure maximum efficiency of the human workforce of the organization. The gradual improvement of the human capital will take different approaches depending on the type of organization. Among the different approaches, outsourcing is an approach that some firms opt for; however improving their own workforce is always the preferred option. This gradual process is through employee education. It further includes mentorship programs where individuals get to interact with like-minded and better individuals in their course of success. Creating a suitable learning environment is the core background to promote self-actualization of the individuals. The organizations create an environment which indicates that they not only care about their bottom lines but also the life welfare of their personnel and their personal goals.

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By creating a favourable environment for developing of a learning culture, the organizations plant the seed of yearning for success; it is this yearning which elevates their workforce on a personal level (Coe, Zehnder & Kinlaw, 2008). 2) Technical skills upgrading An organization which creates a learning culture for its employees also inculcates another factor in the employee’s technical lives. Keeping this factor in mind, it is necessary that the organization engages their employees in activities which promote their professional growth within the workplace. Organizations should ensure that their learning culture inculcates capacity building which is a necessary factor in the professional growth of the employees. On a personal perspective an employee aims to grow in the professional ladder. The experienced gained as a result of learning culture will increase the capabilities of an employee such that they can handle more valuable and better work in the course of their professional journey (Andersen, Grude & Haug, 2009).

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Impact of a Learning Culture to the Organization 1) Access to a Large Talent Pool One of the main advantages of creating a learning culture for an organization is the access to a wider talent pool of young professionals. Considering this, the productivity of an organization is spurred by the conditions of all the employees of the organization. The different employees have a domino effect to the success of the organization in general. Therefore it is essential to ensure that the individuals who make up the system are provided the optimum conditions for their growth and expertise. This optimum condition is referred to as a positive learning culture ensuring that the individuals that make up the organization are in their best intellectual and mental conditions.

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Furthermore productivity will also be improved through another perspective. 5) Creation of a Good Brand By definition, culture is the different ways of doing things a particular group of people chooses to adapt in their course of existence. As a result the groups of people are associated with this way of doing things, their existence is conjoined with the way they undertake their duties and they collectively can be identified through this culture. Similarly an organization with a learning culture will be identified in accordance to the way they have chosen their duties and tasks. Therefore an organization will highly benefit from inculcating a learning culture as their way of doing things will permeate through their employees to their respective clientele and customers.

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