Importance of Missouri Compromise of 1820

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:History

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By then the country had 11 states in South where slavery was permitted and 11 states in the north where slavery was prohibited, hence slavery issue had to be discussed before the admission of Missouri into Union (Taj. glencoe. com 437). Missouri was a slave state and if it joined the union, it would have upset the balance. Thus Henry Clay from Kentucky then the house speaker offered a compromise in which a line would be drawn through the middle of the country at 36 degrees 30 minutes so that new states created over the line or North would be where slaves are prohibited and states under the line or South would be where Slaves are allowed. was located the largest market for slaves in North America and the issue of whether to permit slavery in areas seized from Mexico was still pending (Taj.

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glencoe. com 438). President Zachary Taylor had directly endorsed California statehood but after his death, Henry Clay then Senator for Kentucky with the support of new President, Millard Fillmore drafted compromise plan, a bill with 5 provisions. It was later taken over by Stephen Douglas, refined it and was approved by Congress in 1850 and subsequently signed by President Fillmore. Essay 3 and 4 Advantages of Northern and Southern states in the civil war The civil war in America took 4 years, 1861–1865 and involved 23 Northern States and 11 Southern ones which had seceded from Union to form the Confederate States of America and they were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina (Ushistory. org 1). Whereas there were long-term conflicts over extending slavery into new territories of the west, the war was finally triggered by the secession of these southern states and election of Abraham Lincoln as President who Southerners viewed as slave abolitionist.

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In the course of the war, both sides had unique advantages, the greatest strength of Southern states being that of defending their territory and freedom while initially North had no intention of ending slavery but invaded South to destroy Confederate’s capacity, occupy the region and save the Union. The Southerners fought a defensive war with their men operating in the familiar and friendly environment and due to hunting practices, they were acquainted with guns and horses. The North was also endowed with huge industrial advantage since by 1860, it manufactured most of the country’s products including 97 % of firearms, 94 % of cloth, 93 % of pig iron, over 90 % of boots and shoes and had 96 % of railroad locomotives in addition to double the density of railroads per square mile (Ushistory.

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org 1). The union also controlled the navy and seas thus easily blockading and suffocating the South The better railroads in North equally eased movement of soldiers, ordinary people, and supplies whenever needed. Again, compared to Jefferson Davis in South, Abraham Lincoln proved to be a superior leader and good in planning for war. The Emancipation Proclamation and importance The Emancipation Proclamation was a document of executive orders issued on January 1, 1863, by President Abraham Lincoln during American Civil War to free of all slaves in Confederate territory (Freund 115). Although many people were still slaves when Lincoln died in April 1865, the Emancipation Proclamation set the pace and eventually all States in America emancipated their slaves (Freund 125). Works Cited D'Souza, D. The Crimes of Christopher Columbus.

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