In vitro fertiization vs adoption

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Couples having fertility problems have to choose wisely one of the options. IVF allows couples to get a child having their own genes, and this is done in the laboratory. On the other hand, adoption allows couples to gain full rights over a child born by another mother. Adoption has a number of benefits; one, it’s cheaper compared to IVF; two, it assures couples of a healthy child; and three, it’s a natural way couples having fertility problems help reduce overpopulation by giving love to a child already born by another mother. IVF also has benefits, and these include; one, allows parents raise children having their own genes; two, the procedure is free of complication; and three, allows parents to have children whenever they want thus allows the spacing of children.

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The statement adoption versus IVF is a big issue in the society since it is a critical decision that one has to make based on a number of factors such as costs, perception by the society, among others. Though the decision is personal, health professionals are always ready to help patients out. Between the two options, the most preferred by the author is the adoption of a child rather than the IVF procedure. Below is a discussion to support the claim. Arguments that Support on Position Based on cost, child adoption is cheaper compared to IVF (Compton, 2016). When couples adopt a child, they usually receive all information about the child, as this is required by law (Compton, 2016). For instance, the background, medical history, gender, and race, among others. If a child has any condition, the information is provided in advance.

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Thus, couples are able to deduce what they are going into when adopting a child. This enables couples to select the best among all. In the year 2040, the world is expected to accommodate approximately ten billion people. This translates to ten thousand times the number human beings ought to be, going against the rules of nature (Hussain & Bhat, 2018). That means that human beings exert a lot of stress and pressure to mother Earth. All these people have needs that have to be fulfilled, thus, there is massive cut down of forests to provide space for settlement and also wood for furniture. In addition to that, many factories have to be built to provide employment opportunities as well as other necessities required by man. Another argument is that IVF is a safe procedure where couples give birth to healthier children free of complications unlike in other pregnancies or in adoption.

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According to Pandit (2017), IVF assures couples of a healthier child free of congenital diseases caused by either environmental factors or genetic factors. Some of the common congenital disorders include; cystic fibrosis, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, heart conditions, cleft palate and cleft lip, and fragile X disease, among others. IVF encompasses a diagnostic procedure prior to uterus implantation that ensures the embryo’s chromosomes does not have any deficiencies (Pandit, 2017). Thus, this is one of the reasons that make couples prefer the procedure. For adoption, spacing out as one wishes is not possible; same to conceiving naturally. The adoption process though some become successful, may take longer up to three years for a couple to be given full custody of the child. Moreover, some adoption processes fail midway or near the completion stage, and this shutters the moral of the couples adopting.

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In some cases, the parent supposed to give the child become emotionally attached to it hence declining to give it to the couple. Thus, for most parents, they would rather spend millions in IVF rather than go through the process of adoption (Pandit, 2017). Two, IVF is a safe procedure free of complications either to the mother or the child. This is a fallacy since it’s not 100 percent true. Use of IVF has risks to both the child and the mother. Three, and the final point is that IVF allows couples to have children whenever they want, hence, able to space out the children (Pandit, 2017). As discussed in this essay, this is a topic that raises a hot debate since both adoption and IVF have their merits and demerits that could make it difficult for couples to choose.

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Walsh, W. IVF versus adoption: Which is better?. Retrieved from https://www. today. com/parents/ivf-versus-adoption-which-better-1C7398672. Van den Belt-Dusebout, A. W. Spaan, M. Lambalk, C. B.  Household Income: 2016 [Ebook]. Retrieved from http://file:///E:/SILI/Documents/acsbr16-02. pdf Scanlon, C.  Police checks on IVF patients add to the pain [Ebook]. Retrieved from http://www.

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