In what sense might it be true that genes are followers in evolution

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Philosophy

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This paper argues that so that the prevalence of the two paths are assessed, it would be very instrumental to analyze both the environmental and the genetic signals for the phenotype determination. This paper goes on to examine the environmental induction and evolutionary changes, the fact that alternative phenotypes, the directions of shifts for the determination of leadership and followership together with some insights of developmental plasticity in leadership. This paper seeks to find some valuable insights from the society in the study of various theories and human development history. Thesis Statement Genes are followers in evolution to a great extent as they would be considered leaders. Phenotypes which are induced by the environment which possess different phenotypes may recur depending on the context in which they appear which facilitates the secondary genetic accommodation.

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Introduction • Biological perspective This will expound on the cellular developments noting the facts and conclusions arrived at by different assessments. It will provide the inferences as an overview of the studies. • Human development approach This will give an overview of the behavioral aspects of leader and follower developments in the human society. II. Phenotypic Plasticity This will describe the ability of organisms to alter their phenotype in response to environmental changes. Direction of Shift In this section, genes would be assigned as followers or leaders based on the direction of shift of determination of morphs. This will expound on the triggering of transition from an environmental to genotypic sexual determination by causing loss of environmental sensitivity in its expression. This section will also explore the view that the genes are leaders in the evolutionary transition between modes of phenotype control.

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VII. Case – Human History of leadership This section provides a scenario for the development of leadership in the evolutionary relationships. When are genes ‘leaders’ or ‘followers’ in evolution?. Trends in ecology & evolution, 26(9), 435-436. Summary – The developmental origin of the alternative phenotypes are not well explained by the morph pattern determinations. The common opinion that environmentally-influenced sex determination in some chromosome species indicates environmental induction of changes which may affect the shifts in evolution but developmental plasticity serves to create a transition in evolution, and hence, genes would be followers in this case. Relevance – This article is relevant to section II where it describes the alternative phenotype and section VI whereby there is directly gives insights into the direction of shift and the answer to the thesis. Source 3: West-Eberhard, M. J. Developmental plasticity and evolution.

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Oxford: Oxford University Press. Summary – This book is a comprehensive insight on the evolution and development as it uses all aspects of development at all organizational levels of development in organisms utilizing the current findings in phylogenesis, evolutionary theory, molecular biology, genetics, and behavior to illustrate the connection between evolutionary change and developmental mechanisms. Cambridge, Massachusetts: A Bradford Book, The MIT Press. Summary- The book addresses the four aspects of inheritance which play a crucial part in the evolution which include symbolic transmission, behavioral, epigenetic and genetic. These systems provide variation in which the natural selection acts. This makes it clear that the acquired and the induced changes would play a role in evolution. It shows how these four factors interact while drawing on the socio-philosophical implications which this has. Summary- In this book, we get the in-depth at the leadership psychodynamics by giving a very interesting biography of Alexander while highlighting the skills of leadership he portrayed.

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The book analyses the behavior and personality of Alexander in a clinical view so as to demonstrate the forces of psychology which influenced these qualities. It then analyzes the at the leadership techniques of Alexander so as to practically demonstrate effective leadership and cataloging some of his strengths and weaknesses for learning purposes. Relevance – the book is very relevant in exploring and providing a distinction between born leaders and made leaders. Together with advancing the theories of leadership. Hogan, R. Kaiser, R. B. January 01, 2008). Leadership, followership, and evolution: Some lessons from the past.

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