Influence of family on the physics education for middle school students

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

According to previous research it shows that financial status was directly proportional to student performance. This could be because parents who are financially stable have the capability of taking care of their children’s needs promptly, be it school fees, learning materials and other biological and psychological needs while families with financial difficulties might have challenges providing for their children’s educational needs hence the low school performance. This study will also investigate how family structure affects student performance in Physics education for middle class students. Students from intact families (families where both mother and father are present) were found to perform better than those from single-parented, cohabited or divorced families. Responsibilities such as student needs are shared among the parents in intact families and therefore the burden of each parent is reduced and this ensures that the children get quality care.

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In other words, the family is responsible for a child’s biological and psychological needs. Therefore, a family has a great influence on the well-being of a child academically. For instance, if a family breaks up, there is a significant chance that the children in that family will be affected psychologically and this affects their school performance. Children might even drop out of school in the worst-case scenario. According to Rumberger et al (1990), children who have to make their educational decisions on their own or with very little participation from the parents were more likely to be school drop outs as compared to those whose parents made academic decisions for them. Additionally, a study conducted by Ajayi shows that students whose parents have a higher socio-economic status performed well in Physics education and other science education as compared to students with parents of a lesser socio-economic status.

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2 Parent’s Educational achievement and effect on student performance in Physics Other studies conducted by previous researcher’s shows that the level of education of a parent has significant impacts on the achievements of their children in terms of academics. From a study conducted by Pamela and Kean (2010), shows that those students whose parents have a higher level of education performed better in reading and grasping knowledge in science education as compared to those whose parents only have a basic level of education. In developing nations, students with college or university educated parents had a 7% higher average grade than those with parents who were educated up to a basic level. In the developed nations this difference in average grade could be as high as 45%.

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When a parent are concerned and show interest in their children’s education, the students can perform well in school (Jeynes, 2005) 4. 0 MATERIALS AND METHODS 4. 1 Materials The materials required for this study are high school students’ grades, financial information of parents, type of school and family religion data. 2 Methods Data collection will be carried out through various processes which include; primary data collection and secondary data collection. Primary data collection include activities such as use of questionnaire and conducting interviews among all the stakeholders involved who are the students, parents and teachers. Student suspension rate increased with the decrease of the number of guardians. Additionally, the number of students who repeated a grade was less in the intact married family but increased with the decrease in the number of guardians.

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