Integrated Marketing Communication

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

For its marketing strategy, the tactic will align the product and focus on endorsement among and within the sporting fraternity. The company will sponsor great sports legends such as NFL, MLB, and NBA and will attempt to create a connection between the drink and professional sporting. The link is critical for the drink, as it will help the marketers achieve and reach its target market that is the sporting group and personalities. The message will center on urging athletes to take the drink as it makes them accomplish significant feats in a given sporting activity. “Gatorade drink, bringing out the best in your sporting skills. The three objectives are aimed at promoting and encouraging customers to make a purchase. According to Bhupathi (2016) as an approach to developing a seamless, unified brand experience, integrated marketing communication aims at creating a wide-ranging customer experience.

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The above thee objectives helps marketers to focus on specific aspects of marketing that is best suited for a target market. Some of the tools fundamental in accomplishing the above goals include television, radio, search engines, webinars, magazines, and billboards among others. The attention part of the message is created to offer clients a reason to act. A promotional mix is an advertisement tool meant to promote a product. For the drink to reach out to its prospective buyers, it needs to be brought to the attention of the buyers. The promotional mix tool is intended to convince potential buyers to buy a given product (Caywood 2016). The best strategy selected is aimed at capturing the “eye” of the buyer. At the same time, it helps educate the buyers on the product.

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Direct selling is also a personal engagement that enables the marketer to personally identify with the client thus opening up opportunities for future repeat sales and meetings on product sales. Stimulating Desire To stimulate desire, it is essential to offer the client sufficient information to arouse the intended desire. Desire or craving can best be aroused by way of presenting the Gatorade as a different product in the market, unlike other similar products (Belch, Belch, Kerr, & Powell 2014). For example, by portraying the product as a mind stimulating drink, the client will be left pondering on the unique aspect of the drink different from other products. The best promotional mix tool to use and apply for Gatorade is an online advertisement. With a well-formulated caption and inspiring message, the Gatorade online advert can easily arouse desire from potential clients.

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Shaping Attitude In marketing, shaping attitude entails influencing a customer’s beliefs, emotions, behaviors, and preferences (Andrews, & Shimp 2017). Using the promotional mix tool, the best method to apply is direct marketing and personal selling. By way of interacting with the potential customer at a personal level, I am easy to influence their preferences and behavior. For example in the case of the Gatorade drink, a client can be challenged to try out the differences between the product under promotion and Red Bull, one of its key competitors. The ads will feature a pop up that will enable a large number of online users to have a view of the product I added to its message. An online advert on social media or Google search can reach out to a large number of people as compared to a two-minute TV advertisement.

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The advert will help viewers understand and comprehend the product intimately as compared to a TV or magazine advert. It thus has an edge against other promotional and advertisement forums. Measuring Marketing Activities B2B refers to a business-to-business model transaction (Andrews, & Shimp 2017). Marketing Metrics Financial Metric The income statement is a significant financial statement that can help the form figure out how the sales in the market are regarding volume bought or orders made (Manser Payne, Peltier, & Barger, 2017). It provides information on financial performance for a specific period. At the same time, it helps a company assess its profit and loss realization within a given accounting period. The document is essential to determine the company’s marketing plan regarding figuring out how the marketing strategies are helping the firm achieve its financial objectives.

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Performance Metrics The firm would need sales revenue, Net Profit margin, and gross margin to help it identify its performance in the market during a specific period. Nelson Education. Belch, G. E. Belch, M. A. Caywood, C. L. Integrated Marketing Communications. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. Sage. A. Omni-channel marketing, integrated marketing communications and consumer engagement: A research agenda.  Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 11(2), 185-197.

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