Internal and external factors that affects the fast food industry in new zealand

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

(vi) What are some of the legal requirements needed in setting up a fast food business in New Zealand? An entrepreneur is only required to acquire a business permit from the government agencies. (vii) Which are some of the strategic points to set up a fast food business in New Zealand? In cities, towns and along operating companies (viii) What are some of the challenges a fast food business is likely to encounter while expanding its operation in New Zealand? Inflation, exchange rate fluctuations and high unemployment rate can lag behind the growth of the business in New Zealand. (ix) What determines the cash amount a fast food outlet can earn a day? The popularity of the outlet determines how much an outlet can bank everyday (x) How long can a fast food outlet to gain its momentum after being set in New Zealand? It depends with the strategic position it has been set and the rate at which it is becoming popular.

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Second Interview (xi) How popular culture does influence fast food consumers in New Zealand? The people way of life determines the consumption of fast food. (xii) How is the Customer habit for fast food affects the decision of an entrepreneur setting up a business in New Zealand? The customer’s habit to consume fast food is triggered by their decisions (xiii) How Customers decision-making for fast food is affects the decision of an entrepreneur setting up a business in New Zealand? The usual decisions made by many customers will give an entrepreneur the green light to set a business. In the 17th century, they were meant to serve food for travellers. The aspect of eating for amusement purpose came into existence at around 18th century when some of the food outlets such as McDonald's and Taco Bell were in their developing phase (Fraser et al.

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Any fast food industry faces disputes in the location where it is operating and in the overseas where it may plan to expand its operations. Additionally, the outlets of fast food restaurants like Taco bell usually find it hand when the economy of the location where they are operating is affected by the price rise and the fluctuations of the exchange rates. However, the consumers usually have a hard time deciding on whether to go over their budget and spend more on the affected in fast food restaurants like Taco Bell. Notably, New Zealand possesses an extreme business environment. Consumers of fast food respond appropriately to their needs if the provided dishes are in accordance with their culture. According to recent studies, New Zealand emerges to be in the third position worldwide in the World Bank's Doing Business.

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One of the easiest places to set up a business in New Zealand. There is no doubt that it only takes a few procedures for any company to expand its operation in New Zealand (Smith et al. Factors affecting fast-food customers in New Zealand Internal factors: 1. Income levels In the recent past, the economy of New Zealand has grown tremendously. The country growth rate of the economy determines the purchasing power of the people. The income levels of most of the employees are high, and therefore their disposable income is proportionally high. Many consumers who have a positive attitude towards fast food will purchase consume more. Works Cited Fraser, Lorna K. , et al. "The geography of fast food outlets: a review.

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