Interview and analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

I got to interview Ethan Oliver, a current worker at the University of Sydney specifically in the school of political science and economics and the following cultures and beliefs in Australia were different from mine back in India, from my observation and the interview. For instance, Ethan is a Christian who speaks mainly English which is the sole official language here and I am a Hindu who speaks Hindi as my first language. In India most people practice Hinduism while Australia is a secular society of Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Muslims, with Christians holding the highest number. Again, the social order in India is caste structure-governed while it is different in Australia since the latter is not very conscious about class. In my country, it is mandatory to observe the social hierarchy especially when interacting in the workplaces which is a different case in Australia since corporate hierarchies are disguised in social equality mask.

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’ Midwifery Practice “In Australia today, midwife practitioners are expected to carry out safe cultural midwifery care to each and every woman. From History, Australia receives a lot of immigrants as well as refugees from UK, Middle East, Europe, and South East Asia and also from Africa and thus it has become extremely diverse culture wise (Soutphommasane, 2012). This therefore has prompted safe cultural practice measures to be put in place so as to ensure comfortable co-existence of the different people in the country. Historically, health systems in Australia do not provide quality and culturally safe care to the Aboriginal as well as Torres Strait Islander individuals. They had isolated wards, entrances and other deliberate substandard care facilities. This is an ecosystem where everything in Australia is attached to. Transforming one area brings about an effect on the others.

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For instance, the foreign affairs department is unable to impound within foreign trade, foreign policy as well as the foreign aid policy (Lott, 2010). It is obligated to handle the international interests of Australia. Managing Australia`s bilateral affairs involves the many undertakings of the foreign policy which include: economy, immigrations, tourism, aviation consultations, energy protection, strategic policies, social policies, ventures and tax agreements among other issues. Strategy for Widening Perspective “Australia holds the values of an open societal order and have a strong belief that best freedom-advancement is achieved by nurturing an idea-flourishing environment whereby philosophies must make their issue in a marketplace of opinions and whereby those ruling are accountable to be ruled. ” National Interests ‘The national interests of Australia are often asserted but hardly ever defined. They are changeless at their core: in advancing prosperity and safety as well as contributing in forming and operating international establishments that support the rule of law as well as international behavioral norms”.

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Strategy of Widening Perspective ‘The sense of itself’ of Australia in the world has greatly evolved. Since the end of World War 2, Australia has struggled to offer a distinct Australian right to be heard in defining their interests and their position in the world. It has numerous benefits bringing with it global economical reformation such as: trade liberalization, globalization, extra openness, prosperity of markets (Soutphommasane, 2012). International multilateralism is anchored in the states equality. Terrorism “Presently in Australia, terrorism is a major problem regardless of its limits as a tactical threat in the world. Its` threats are very serious and increasing. For instance, the Daesh terrorist group poses different types of threats”. Socio-economic status, cultural diversity and the aspirations of secondary students in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.  Higher education, 59(1), 115. Collins, J.

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Cultural diversity and entrepreneurship: policy responses to immigrant entrepreneurs in Australia.  Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 15(2), 137-149.

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