Intimate partner violence essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

Notably there are four types of intimate partner violence. This includes physical violence which is manifested by the use of physical force and can culminate to death, injury. It is exemplified by burns, slaps, beating or battering. Sexual violence is usually sex without ones consent. It can be abuse as rape, coercion by victim to penetrate some else. According to world health organization, the women recorded a higher number as victims with men being the perpetrators. In a research done in 10 countries amongst 24000 women, data indicated 13-61% have been victims of physical violence, 6-59% have been victims of sexual abuse, 20-75% reported to have been victims of emotional abuse. Conversely, in Canada 1 in 2 women have been victims either through sexual or physical abuse. Reports indicate that, in 2015, almost 92000 people were victims of intimate partner violence.

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In Calgary, police receive 19000 cases per year of domestic conflict. This is because law serves to regulate human conduct. Intimate partner violence can therefore regulated by strict laws that would discourage abusers from the violence acts. There is need girls and women empowerment about femininity and how to address intimate partner violence. Notably most victims of violence suffer silently and even worse most victim take the blame for the violence subjected to them. Implementation of life skill program, that cultivate skills in children on how have healthy relationships, like Calgary, healthy relationship program. Likewise, the Calgary domestic violence collection is a program that comprises of 60 partners. This is a clear indication that the places records a high number of domestic violence incidents. Notably, the police receive 18000 domestic conflict calls per year necessitating the need and essence of such a program.

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It majorly addresses domestic sexual and violence. They also provide public policies ideas that would help address the vice. societies and communities may also contribute to the violence through gender inequality cultures and norms that is, the community treats a woman as weaker sex. Additionally the community could be lacking legal sanctions against perpetrators of the vice. Conversely the power and control are the mechanism the intimate partner violence perpetrators use. This includes intimidation displayed by use of threats through verbal communication or non verbal. An abuser could resort to curtailing the victim’s freedom, take advantage of the children, and conveying suicidal threats in case the victims chooses to leave. They start noticing the negative qualities about their partners while defocusing and inflating on their virtues. Gaps in the program The program was referred to as the Red Cross: Healthy youth dating relationship program.

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It was tailored towards informing students in middle and high school grade how to develop skills that would help them develop healthy relationship and avoid dating violence. The program was beneficial and had far reaching positive impact because the students would learn to cultivate healthy relationship from a tender age. Secondly the students would learn how to demarcate their personal boundary. Even more most of the making of a teenager and adult are a culmination of what was learnt during the childhood stage. The program failed to separate the male students from the female students. Such an environment was restrictive and the girls fail to have open discussion because of the presence of the boys. Likewise, the boys because there are topics and issues that can be discussed when students are of the same sex.

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The program was also marred with the challenge of seeking school approval. Parent child link was of essence to the implementation of the program. Secondly, introducing the program to the fifth grade student was important because they could also be victims of sexual harassment and sexual violence going by the fact that dating relationships start at age 12. Segregation of boys and girls would create an ample conducive environment for interaction and opening up of the boys and girls. Even more the program should employ a trained facilitator to roll out the program. This will not only ensure efficiency of the program but maximum participation of the student. Early children training on the proper use of power in regard to their masculinity and femininity will help raise adult who relate in a healthy way.

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Dating violence is a part of intimate violence and it has always been noted to be a risk factor of intimate partner violence. The Calgary healthy program of healthy relating will therefore help in lowering the increased cases of intimate partner violence. The violence is therefore intentional as the abuser main aim is to either physically or psychologically harm the victim, this is displayed in form of control and power, and it can in manifested in a host of relationship. The use of technology in intimate dating has aggravated the violence as people meet behind the keys and end up relating. J, et al (2015) Evaluation of the start strong initiative: preventing teen dating violence and promoting healthy relationship. New York. Nicolaidis. C, (2009) defining intimate partner violence: controversies and implication : intimate partner violence health based perspective WHO, Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women: Taking action and generating evidence London: London school of hygiene.

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Document 2

Further, the paper talks about the major causes of this type of violence looking mainly at risk factors such as drugs abuse, underemployed or unemployed, low levels of education and those tormented by poverty. Also, the study discusses some of the impacts of IPV focusing on issues such as depression, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, suicide and self-harm, sleep disorders among others. The paper also covers some of these impacts on children as well as the effects on the community level. The legal implication is yet another important section covered in this research as it relates to IPV such as permanent restraints, liability in relation to spousal or child support, money for damages, among other remedies applied as per every State. The study further discusses the core value of respect as it relates to “intimate partner violence” and also a summary of the findings before ending with a conclusion that sum up the research.

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This is because it involves some aspect of control mixed with abuse against the victim in almost all aspect of their life. It manifests usually as the perpetrator making attempts to control or dominate the victim through sex life, finances, and social life. The abusers apply a range of techniques such as threats, denial, domination, humiliation, isolation, intimidation, blame, and fear to have complete psychological control over their victims. The aim is to ensure they undermine the victim’s self-esteem, confidence, and world perception around them through abuse and control followed by loving gestures and apologies (Edwards, 2017). Mostly, abusers blame their responsibility to victims and those abused accept the blame to end the abuse or because of their reshaped views. This involves actions such as acts of humiliation against the victim, having total control over the actions of the victim, deliberately diminishing or distressing the target, denying the target access to friends or even family members among other basic resources.

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The abuser might take a step further to control the financial aspect of the relationship and even refusing to permit the victim to work (Ganley, 2012). This type of intimate partner violence qualifies as psychological only after there are earlier cases of sexual or physical violence acts. IPV is a thoughtful problem common in many societies across the globe and has the possibility of impacting those involved for a long period of time at various levels of living. Understanding these factors as they relate to this problem is the first approach toward preventing this type of violence in society. The idea of domestic violence that is based on intimate acts is an issue that has long existed in societies that have weak penalties against this violent act. This type of violence exercised mostly against women has serious impacts both in the life of victims and the community at large.

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Preventive measures against this type of violence should focus on empowering women and limiting violence norms, the use of drugs, reducing poverty and educating people broadly on this subject (NIJ, 2016). Impacts of victimization Victims of intimate partner violence undergo various health problems both mental and physical related. The violence that is IPV related not only affect the individual, but also the community and those that depend on the victim for certain needs such as children. For instance, a US study based on women conducted by a “health maintenance organization (HMO)” demonstrate that approximately 30. percent of victims that have a history of intimate partner violence reflected PSTD symptoms. This is different considering the case of 13 percent of victims, especially women that did not have any abuse history (Dillon et al. PSTD symptoms are high among victims, especially women that report more sustained or severe victimization that is characterized by more than one abuse.

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This is because a victim experiencing more than one abuse is more likely to develop high levels of PSTD unlike a victim suffering only one abuse. Victims of intimate partner violence also report problems related to little or disturbed sleep patterns after an abuse. The effect of victimization among victims, especially the case of women goes through cases of affected physic as well as mental wellbeing due to the victim’s lack of sleep and the level of abuse. This includes health problems such as increased blood pressure, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and headaches among other health issues like flu. This is because the deprivation of sleep is related to the reduced ability for the victims to cope in relation to the amount of violence being experienced. Among the physical impact associated with intimate partner violence include incidents of physical injuries and disability problems that might include difficulty in moving around or effectively performing in daily activities (Dillon et al.

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This might make it difficult for children that witness domestic violence to have full trust in adults. This is because domestic violence weakens family bonds resulting in cases of withdrawal, hostility, anger, and disobedience among children. This exposes children to similar suffering that adult victims undergo and as a result compromising their level of attachment. Apart from the effect domestic violence has on the future generation, work and productivity in the community is yet another effect of domestic violence at a community context. This can be attributed to the fact that victims might find it hard to focus on productivity in their place if they are victims of victimization (Edwards, 2017). In most cases, domestic violence is resolved through legal measures such as permanent restraints, liability in relation to spousal or child support, money for damages, among other remedies effective as per every State.

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Other penalties might involve cases of criminal prosecution in the event that the court finds the issues of serious consideration. Victims that report domestic violence in some States gets isolated to safe shelters for recovery upon waiting for a final court judgment. Thus, it is evident that victims of intimate partner violence are represented under the state and federal laws and have the authority to seek relief both in criminal and civil courts. For instance, with the help of the victim, law enforcement can create a strong case against the perpetrator while filling a lawsuit related to assault as well as battery. Thus, it is evident that intimate partner violence suffers from a lack of trust, love, and respect due to the nature of an unhealthy relationship. This is an insidious problem that can bring irreversible impacts that can manifest in the psychological and physical aspect of the victim's life and thus lacking respect for the support of a healthy relationship and living.

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Summary of findings Preventing cases of domestic violence can happen in the event that the abused seeks help from the right source. However, another prevention measure that can be applied is through the introduction of effective programs to help fight this issue among couples. For instance, schools are the best environment to implement some of the programs since it is the most common place for social learning. Thus, domestic violence demonstrates a violation of respect towards the personal life of the victim due to the nature of control and torture from the abuser. This makes the nature of the act of intimate partner violence unethical. Conclusion IPV is a serious issue that is impacting couples across the world. This is a problem that involves intimidation, control, and threats of all kinds from an abuser in an attempt to enslave his or her victim.

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Various factors such as poverty, substance abuse, unemployment among other factors are the common cause of this problem. Sanderson, M. Brandt, H. M. Smith, P. H. Retrieved from https://www. hindawi. com/journals/ijfm/2013/313909/ Edwards, R. D. Domestic Violence. Retrieved from http://ethicsinhealth. org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/intimate-patner-violence-jewkes. pdf National Institute of Justice (NIJ), (2016). Causes and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence. Retrieved from https://www. womenshealth. gov/relationships-and-safety/domestic-violence/effects-domestic-violence-children Vasey, J. Domestic Violence Prevention Starts with Respect. Retrieved from https://www. army. Retrieved from https://apps. who. int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/77432/WHO_RHR_12. eng. pdf;jsessionid=2D900015C43002387AA9042F8CADC517?sequence=1.

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