Investments in is/it are essentially investments in change

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Religion

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IT/IS brings about changes such as automation of services, reduction of paperwork and time consciousness. It will require the entity to train and educate the employees and entire workforce how to use the new technology and make them aware of the associated benefits. Thus, investors can confidently confirm that an investment in technology is necessarily an investment in corporate change. Role of digital strategy in contexts of business strategy Digital strategy refers to the use of technologies to influence business models to form new differentiating business abilities. It is predicted that all business strategy in the future will adopt a digital strategy. Digital strategy is also expected to create a definite plan in line with a business strategy (David, 13). While the specifics tactics might be adjusted, a business should have a commitment to its appreciation of the importance of digital to the company.

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For instance, a digital strategy might aim to monetize the necessary productive software already in use. In this way, there has to be a strategy to package the system in a mobile app and sell to the users. However, if a business realizes that the system has more value if sold to companies for their corporate use, the plan changes, but the strategy remains still. The influence of the chosen leader will need to match the scope of digital strategy. Otherwise, it will be a challenge to create a buy-in from the necessary departments focused on making effective changes. A digital plan incorporates the process of evaluating the new technology and its ability to complement or grow the business (Argenti, 22). The digital changes in the firm are to create the best foundation for a digital company.

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In this way, an organization will need to create a culture that will reinvent itself as necessary to maintain the changes in technology and the expectations of the clients. A successful entity has to go through an excellent market research technique where the managers will be able to make the best decisions. Market analysis can also be employed in various ways via the internet surveys and other group meetings using the internet and via an in-person interview (Hakikur, and Sousa, 162). Big Data is currently a Google Analytic, and Microsoft CRM Dynamics are also accurate tools to source valuable data that can affect decision making. The online tools offer real-time responses from the possible audiences and also makes sure there is accurate data that eliminates the risks to human errors. In the contexts of sales and human development, the core of the firm lies in the marketing that allows the leadership to define the target customers and define the trends and demands.

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Understanding the demands requires a business to have effective communication. It will also help appreciate the problems and solutions for the customers. The internet technology has allowed people to communicate with many people including the existing consumers in a real-time platform. IT has offered businesses many channels to communicate with the customers without having to travel to telephone booths or postal offices. As such, companies have adopted Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM) to hold critical data for appreciating customer attitudes and future demands. Thus, the statement that " Investments in IS/IT are essentially investments in change" is accurate. Work Cited Argenti, Paul A.  Digital Strategies for Powerful Corporate Communications. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009. Internet resource. Internet resource. Ryan, Damian, and Calvin Jones.  Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation.

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Philadelphia, Pa: Kogan Page, 2012. Internet resource.

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