The Ethical Moral Issue of Discrimination
Document Type:Case Study
Subject Area:Religion
The current discrimination that is faced by the society of today traces its roots back to the time when European colonized the isolated peoples and societies and transformed them by their penetration. Oppression, massacre, immigration rules that bring discrimination, constituted discrimination and disenfranchisement. All these are the extreme types of discriminatory activities taking place in the today society. There are also less extreme types of discrimination in the society which does not necessarily appear to be harmful yet still have a powerful effect on the balancing in the society. Such forms consist of discriminations experienced in learning institutions and health facilities in the form of exclusions of people based on social status in the society. This work focus on the causes and the impact that the issue of discrimination has had on different society, nations, and individual.
All the nations in the world partake at least one of the category of discrimination that has emotional impact the several types of the people or groups in the society. An additional way that this moral issue can be assumed is when a particular set of people in the society is denied equal rights or prospects according to the variance in skin color, religious conviction, and gender. Stereotypes and prejudice should not be confused with discrimination. Images that are recorded in our mind in regards to a different group of people or race without considering whether it is realistic or not is known as a stereotype, the result of this state leads to what is known as prejudice. These are the situations where the group or the people concerned suffers adversely based on the prohibited ground.
The indirect one denotes to a condition where the provision or exercise which aims at being unbiased becomes discriminatory. Another form of discrimination is the institutional type of discrimination. It entails the practices or follows up procedures in a particular company. They are structured in a certain way that favors a certain group of people or of the society which brings the discriminatory effect in its nature. All these are the main legal approaches towards alleviating the impacts of discrimination. The most undermined area in dealing with the problems caused by discrimination is close web ties. The ties must be expressed in love that is fostered and strengthened by genuine emotions or feelings. Discrimination affects a vast field in the world today namely psychological, political, social and economic. Whether intentional or not, the paraphernalia is compounded by the forfeiture of self-worth, a sense of separation from the broader society, political disempowerment, and economic disparities.
Discrimination also exists in companies and workplace where the seniors always look down upon the subordinates which cause humiliation among the employs. Which can result in low morale among the employees hence affecting the production rate which corresponds to the low performance of the company? According to Essers, Caroline, and Yvonne Benschop. p. some of the researches that have been done has proved that racial discrimination has a way of affecting the psychological well-being of different individuals. Which has a direct effect on the parties affected regarding stress and depression related diseases? In the modern society, discrimination runs against the main fundamental values. This shows how discrimination can cause many different problems. Many times as the history records that no nation, community or society in the world is immune to the subject of discrimination.
To wind it up government plus societies should come together to form a platform of life that is free from discrimination. According to Meer, Tom van der, and Jochem Tolsma. p. A good and appropriate government should, therefore, deal appropriately with such activities at various levels. Measures must be put in place to try and avoid it even if it means conducting public campaigns. This is for awareness of the cost that it's causing to the economy of the nation since if the economy is affected it also means that the people of the nation are also affected. Discriminations, therefore, a moral, ethnic problem that should be dealt with properly. References Sanders-Phillips, Kathy, et al. Muslim businesswomen doing boundary work: The negotiation of Islam, gender, and ethnicity within entrepreneurial contexts. Human Relations 62.
Meer, Tom van der, and Jochem Tolsma. Ethnic diversity and its effects on social cohesion. Annual Review of Sociology 40 (2014): 459-478.
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