Job rotation Job enrichment and Job enlargement

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Job rotation, job enrichment, and job enlargement are methods used by the managers for the benefit of the organization in terms of financial increment and also they are important in ensuring that workers grow professionally in line with the field of their career. When workers get used to job rotation, job enrichment and job enlargement they tend to always remain ahead of those who did not go through these career shaping methods. This is because the workers have an upper hand in delivering the best from their work due to their ability to think outside the box and their high tendency of providing more than expected to the company as a result of proper preparation. These three methods are the determinants of the career growth of individuals because they help them gain new knowledge, get additional skills and also prepare the workers in unpredictable circumstances.

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On the other hand, individuals who do not go through these career-shaping methods tend to be less creative and produce less for the company. When applying cross-functional rotational method in any organization, it is important to note that it entails movement of workers in different departments of jobs within a set period of time, rotation of workers to different geographical areas which matter to that organizational and also rotating workers in parts of that particular organization to make the business units much productive. These two methods are very important in broadening the minds of workers and making them much active and also enhance improved responsibility in workers ("Job rotation raises productivity", 1974). In many organizations, the two methods of job rotation are very important; this is because they help workers involve themselves in multiple tasks in the workplace.

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In as much as the company spends money in making sure that job rotation program is well followed, making it much expensive, the workers have an upper hand compared to their counterparts who might lack this golden opportunity. This is because, the workers benefit in the long run and are able to acquire several promotional positions if such opportunities are presented in the future, thus increasing their income as workers. However, job rotation has several drawbacks that make this practice difficult for some organizations. For instance, some unions maybe against job rotation since most of them prefer job specialization believing that it gives the best outcomes. Additionally, it may not be eligible for various organizations. This is because job specialization program requires additional funds for training which might take time that may be used by workers to perform various duties in the workplace.

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It may also be difficult to learn this program since some jobs require skilled labor and advanced technology at the workplace might disadvantage the workers who are not well versed with it ("Job rotation raises productivity", 1974). This type of job design is associated with various benefits, this includes but not limited to; little or no skill is required in order to implement it. Furthermore, this type of job design ensures that the employees are not subjected to workload and monotony about doing the same responsibilities over and over again. In this type of job design, the kind of job does not change and the responsibilities of various individuals remain unchanged. This type of job design is used by many managers because employees are subjected to many responsibilities and the same salary is maintained, this is important because enlargement focuses on maximum profitability because the company experiences fewer expenditures and expenses.

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It's also important because it ensures a few numbers of employees are retained and replaced easily hence monitoring can easily take place and performances can be monitored from time to time by the company's management. The main objective of job enrichment is to ensure that the job is more challenging and lively, this is essential because it acts as a source of motivation for employees. This type of job design always offer positive results, this is because it requires a high level of training. Employees are first trained and they are allowed to express their personal innovation and inventions while at the same time offering per taking their specific duties and roles. Managers always require high-level skilled training, skills, knowledge and responsibilities in order to implement this type of job design.

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This is because job enrichment always has a principle aim of ensuring that it constantly improves the quality of the job and service delivery. Job enrichment always ensures there is accountability of all the company resources. This is achieved by ensuring there is the presentation of periodic reports from various departments in order to keep employees on toes and up for the task. This type of job design ensures that all employees are satisfied and they are less likely to ask for a leave or quit their specific jobs and responsibilities (Chung & Ross, 1977). Positive effects of job rotation, job enrichment and job enlargement. Job designs which include job rotation, job enrichment and job enlargement have various advantages. These advantages include reduces workload, overcome work stress, meeting organizational goals, meeting profitability and providing an efficient work environment for their employees.

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Apart from various advantages of implementing the new job designs, it also faces a lot of opposition the major challenge include facing opposition from various employees who are unskilled and lack job security. Apart from facing opposition from employees, the job designs might also fail to produce results as per the expectations. These expectations are associated in line with the set company's goal and objectives, the company may expect a lot of end result from their employees hence leading to minimal service delivery. References Ivancevich, J. M. The psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability and the engagement of the human spirit at work.  Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 77(1), 11-37. King, A. S. , & Luthans, F. Does job enrichment really pay off?.

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