Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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Therefore, attitude and job satisfaction are the key determinants of the performance ratings which translates to productivity (Judge, 2017). Attitude is often almost associated with one’s personality and intertwined with key components such as motivation and fulfillment. It is thus appropriate to say that a worker who possesses a positive attitude is highly motivated and is likely to derive satisfaction from the assigned tasks. On the other hand, a worker who maintains a negative towards a certain task will do the job with the least levels of motivation leading to low job satisfaction. The following paragraphs would succinctly discuss how such happens by proving an in-depth discussion on the two broad topics of attitudes and job satisfaction (Greenberg, 2014). The second component is the Informational Component that primarily consists of beliefs and information levels possessed by a worker at that very time.

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The third component of attitude can be described as the Behavioral aspect, and it defines a person’s tendencies and how they influence the level of satisfaction that one has for the designated organization’s assignments. Attitudes play some functions in a worker’s life. The first important function of attitudes in understanding the organization's behavior is that of the Adjustment function. Attitude plays a pivotal role in helping workers adjust to their work environs (Pinder, 2014). Perception is greatly influenced by cognition (Bohner & Wanke, 2014). One could perceive an object differently, and this will determine his or her attitude. For instance, an employee could have an adverse attitude towards the management and therefore post the worst of performance. Finally, when the same worker has the due knowledge about the administration, his or her attitude changes for the better, and he/she feels content with the work assigned.

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A positive attitude is many times driven by information hence the resultant satisfaction effect. When an employee deems something to be favorable, then he or she displays a positive attitude. When it the contrary is the situation then he/she considers it unfavorable. The mindset that one develops affects his or her productivity in the long run, and therefore organizations should be careful on how management and employees rate their assigned tasks for productivity. The last attribute of attitude is that they are often directed towards particular objects that an individual has the feeling (effect) and individual beliefs. In most cases, it is the attitude that workers have for work shifts. The first way of changing attitude is through resolving discrepancies that rotate around attitude and the resultant behavior.

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The second way towards encountering the barriers is through peer influence mechanisms in the job place that is likely to bore best results. And lastly, the co-opting approach which champions transfers from areas of dissatisfaction to areas of appreciation. Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction can be described as the dispositions or positive attitudes that people may gain from work (Peng et al, 2014). Job satisfaction is categorized into two broad aspects; the first one is the global job satisfaction which describes the overall feeling one has for a particular job (Saeed, 2014). This is due to the positive mood of the whole vicinity. Dispositional There are workers who will always be dissatisfied with their jobs no matter what. Some will also derive satisfaction from their jobs no matter the challenges.

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Organizations should recognize such issues so that they ensure no one has a negative attitude towards the company unless there is a substantial reason to do so. It is also in the bounties of the whole organization to instill tolerance and appreciation for those who keep their lights up amidst all the challenges. it from such motivation that they basis their everyday work experience to also perform better than they did yesterday. The second importance of job satisfaction is the fact that job satisfaction correlates with absenteeism. When an employee is enthusiastic about the job assigned to him or her then the possibility of absconding work is minimum (Judge et al, 2017). On the other hand, a dissatisfied employee will always be absent from work with very lame excuses.

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When they finally report to work, they tend to register complaints just to guarantee them a day off or early release from work. Money is sweet and a great motivator but usually it goes beyond mere cash to satisfy employees. The above components complement the financial aspects of job satisfaction. The figure below provides a clear view of what happens in an organization set-up that translates to the management dilemma. Impacts of attitude and job satisfaction Growth influence Attitude and job satisfaction greatly influences the organization’s growth. Positive attitude implies great motivation to work (Imran et al, 2014). They channel all the works towards maximizing on the input while reducing on the costs that are associated with their work. As a matter of fact, they merit their compensation ratings and deserve to be motivated.

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Dissatisfied workers are negative and demoralizing since they waste lots of resource due to the mistakes that they continuously make. Finally, is important to note that before one feels positive and satisfied, they always have undergone some degree of motivation (Pinder, 2014). They two best theories to explain workers motivation are Maslow’s Theory that associates motivation to the hierarchy of needs one has. Pearson Higher Ed, 2014. Pinder, C. C. Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press. , & Wanke, M. Attitudes and attitude change. Psychology Press. Smith, J. R. The ABC of ambivalence: Affective, behavioral, and cognitive consequences of attitudinal conflict. In Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 52, pp. Academic Press. van Harreveld, F. Analysing relationship between employee job satisfaction and motivation. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 9(1).

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