Johnson County Community Assessment Plan

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

Data from the 2010-2014 American Community Survey reported in the census, a higher percentage of the population is of the white race of approximately 87% while 4% is composed of Asians and the rest is composed of people from different races (Cdc. gov.  Further, the data shows that most of the population in the county consists of working age between years 18 to 64. The second largest number of people includes the studying age while the smallest is the infants and underage children. Socially, more than half of the population is women with a high rate of poverty that has been estimated to have an effect more than 30,000 people according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics of 2016. More so, the evaluation used secondary data such as county-level data obtained from the CDS surveillance for Behavioral Risk Factors.

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Other secondary data was collected the County Health Rankings United Community Services of the county and the Healthy People 2020 report. Furthermore, data from REACH information and the Healthcare Foundation of the greater Kansas City were also included in the assessment process. The county’s health assessment process The critical informant researches were seventy-one community leaders in different schools, organizations, county departments and hospitals using Survey Monkey. The participants deliberated on Johnson’s strengths, significant needs, and crucial health problems, barriers to healthy living, accessibility as well as affordability. The report also indicated that the county had 83. fast food joints per ever 100,000 members of its population as compared 72. per the same number of people in Kansas and 72. per the same number of people in the United States of America (Jocogov. org. org.

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The reports also indicated 14 suicides for every 100,000 people as compared to 15 and 12 in Kansas and the USA for the same number of people (Jocogov. org. Asset mapping of Johnson County Online asset mapping is applicable in this case. Asset mapping of a community helps in making an inventory of the organizations, businesses as well as institutions that make up a community. Analysis of strategic priority at Johnson community The county identified priority goals as prevention of chronic diseases and promotion of health, access to health care and mental health. Together partners defined and articulate objectives that helped address approached to accomplish named priorities. Additionally, strategies were outlined on ways to achieve stated goals and a well-defined plan of action to help implement the strategy. More so, the individual responsible for implementing and taking measures were identified.

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Statistical analysis during the process of health assessment was conducted to determine community’s needs. More so, the other plan was to raise access to healthy foods using gardens in schools to promote nutrition. The different action plan involves increasing literacy in health to improve access to health care. Finally, the county established work-site wellness in the attempt to minimize overweight and obesity among residents of Johnson County. All the mentioned interventions had the necessary foundation of local data and information from community partners. The actions were formulated to promote citizens in establishing healthy lifestyle and behaviors. cdc. gov/chinav/ [12 Mar. Ingram, D. D. Franco, S. Johnson, C. L. Paulose-Ram, R. Ogden, C. L. L. Moriarity, C. L. Jonas, K. Moore, T.

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