Leadership essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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Leadership is about a person’s attitude towards other people. A leader’s attitude should reflect good will for the team and the organization. It is not about a person who is the leader but about the people that the person is leading. To have a better understating of the leadership role, talking to a leader at a high rank is the best way to gauge the first-hand experience in the application of qualities that are learnt in class. I recently had an interview with a CEO, Mr. Mr. A described his communication style to his team members as important to ensure that no message passed along is false and that the messages passed are correct. In the clubs and societies, memos were the only form of communication that was used besides the verbal communication during the meetings.

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In the hospital, the organization policies described that the only official method of communication to be used was only through emails. This is to make sure that improper or false messages are not passed along. A then went to college and he was ready to take up roles in leadership. It was however not very easy in his junior year to stand up and just be a leader. He, however, used his social skills to join various student bodies and clubs. In his participation in the clubs and bodies, he was able to rise up the ranks and became a leader in some of them. His determination as a person enabled him to emerge as a leader. People always require a person to be honest so that they can build their trust around that honesty (Certo, 2015).

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He, however, described being a CEO as a completely different matter altogether. Leading an organization whose aim is to make maximum profits required resilience and dedication. Leadership as a CEO requires a person to compromise and in some circumstances disregard the ethical standards that have been set. He explained integrity to be a very important leadership quality. A leader who portrays integrity is admired, respected, and trusted for being able to stick to strong values. Dedication to the work at hand is important for the leader. He explained how giving a lot of time and energy to a task to get the job done was important. Giving a task at hand the time that you are free can be devastating and one can find a lot of work piled up according to Mr.

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A. Mr. A expressed his take on being able to do things differently. He said as a leader, you have to think out of the box and look at things differently. When a leader has a different way of doing things and they get accomplished, the followers will not have any problem in following their leader. Mr. These leadership skills are important for both a personal and professional development. A good leader should understand the industry that he is in to ensure that he succeeds in the things that he/she does. To the young upcoming professionals in college, Mr. A said that leadership comes from within a person and that only needs the motivation to come out. He advised that a leader should not be afraid to speak his mind and leading people towards a set goal should be important to a leader.

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