Learning from children's near death experiences
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Psychology
Morse uses his empathetic skills to listen to children to explain their encounters and also helping parents deal with the loss of the child eventually. Closer to light bears strong emotional experience to the reader. It also explains how pre-death experience helps patients overcome their fear of death (Bowers, 2018). With the knowledge of heaven, its beauty and the rewards that await them, people who have near death experiences are explained to bring hope and peace to themselves and their loved ones. The book begins with Raymond Moody introducing the book. Another interesting question, yet controversial is the need to be close to dying to have a near death encounter. He finds out that NDE is only possible when one is very close to dying (Twemlow, 1991). When Morse tackles another question on whether there are any of the brain's parts that signals and produces near death experience.
He discovers that right temporal lobe around the Sylvian fissure appears to signal the visual and the effective NDE state. He goes ahead to ask and answer some questions that are in relation to the transformation that children experience as compared to those of adults. The next chapter of the book talks about the theme of medical personnel fears to talk about death with their patients. Death is a taboo in hospitals. As patients get closer to death, their doctors spend less time at their bedsides. He also says that talking with patients about their death is neglecting the patient's rights and causing suffering. But the opposite is true as most patients were happy and glad to share their experiences” (Twemlow, 1991). The last chapter of the book is entitled "Transformative". This section deals with the transformative effects children have after an NDE (Morse & Perry, 1991).
This book is average, but some of the theories Morse hold are contradictory to my opinions. Such theories include the fact that only those children who experience cardiac arrest are the only ones who get NDE. This conclusion is wrong because all patients suffering from critical conditions are as near death as those who have a cardiac arrest. He says that to research near death experience is like being lumped together with spiritualists, TV ministers and Urologists. This is not true because every one of these characters has their own beliefs that are very contrary to near death experiences. Also, near-death experiences are real experiences of real people and not hallucinations or imaginations (Morse & Perry, 1991). I also agree with Morse that talking about the near-death experience to both the clinicians and the parents bring about a sense of peace and the strength to carry on after the loss of a loved one.
Generally, Morse's opinions about near death experiences hold true to some of the recent narrations made by patients who have had near death experiences. I also believe if I happen to go through such an experience I will definitely have a change of heart and general lifestyle for the better (Morse & Perry, 1991). The general summary is that Closer to the Light is unsatisfying; this is because it does not give detailed and satisfying accounts of NDE for each individual. The book also gives accounts of children's near death experiences leaving out adults, this may suggest that only children go to heaven and adults have to consider their destination after death more seriously and become godlier. The book is an average read as it is thought-provoking and gives insight into the primitive cultures and religions believe about life after death and the rewards that are there in heaven.
References Bowers, A. Perry. Journal Of Near-Death Studies, 9(4). doi: 10. jnds-1991-9-4-p247-254. Twemlow, S.
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