Learning Styles Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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Each of the styles has pros and cons, which are very important as they help in identification of suitable style for particular situation or subjects. Sometimes some of the subjects require you to use a style, which is different from the natural style of learning which you possess. Considering the questionnaire, the preferable learning style achieved is kinesthetic, the learners using this style choose or prefer learning while moving and doing things. Interactive learning is mostly their preference, they learn through challenges that are practical and collecting information as they move in different places. Kinesthetic learners do not find comfort when they sit in a place for a long time (Pritchard, 2013). Hearing what you want to learn is also a style of learning it is referred as auditory style. Learners who use this style prefer listening to discussions, talking their ideas or matters over and making the most out of the e-commerce, which contains audio recordings.

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Most of the learners in this style love working with sound and music. Using this style, you can adapt information and retain it without necessarily seeing it in either text or pictures. On the other hand, these learners might not do their learning in the library where learners are studying silently (Pritchard, 2013). If most of the students in the class perform well when given visual representations of facts, teachers will be able to use this in their teaching strategies (Rohrer & Pashler, 2012). Here teachers might use PowerPoint presentation when teaching in class or print handouts, which has graphs and pictures. Teachers are able to handle their student’s weakness through experimenting with various strategies of the classroom. They will try to put a balance in different learning styles mainly through the presentation of information in solid ways and granting students with different frameworks, which are intuitive (Rohrer& Pashler, 2012).

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Teachers should teach students on how to learn rather than what they ought to learn.  Medical Education, 46(7), 634-635. doi: 10. j. x Schmeck, R.  R.

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