LGBTQ Community Accessibility to Healthcare

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

The different subcultures and organizations under the LGBTQ community largely celebrate individualism, sexuality, diversity, and pride. The LGBTQ community is often associated with certain symbols particularly the rainbow or the rainbow flag. Although there are many flags that represent the various subgroups in the community the most commonly used and recognized is the rainbow flag. According to the community, symbol l referred to as the Greek lambda represents liberation. Each color exemplifies a value in the LGBTQ community such as indigo symbolizes harmony whereas pink symbolizes sexuality. Many health lesbians and bisexual women, as well as gays, have certain health concerns such as depression. Many same-sex couples are more likely to be uninsured and out of work as compared to their straight counterparts.

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Moreover, after the legalization of same-sex marriages in all states many employers are not providing health benefits to their LGBTQ workers, which makes the situation more complex (Saunders, 2000). Although some employers offer same-sex individuals, health benefits many small sizes and middle size employers are scrapping health benefits for domestic partners which are massively affecting LGBTQ members who are already uninsured (Bibel, 2002). Many LGBTQ individuals have poor health-related quality of life. Many straight people think that LGBTQ people are odd and different. Moreover, many individuals from the LGBTQ community are unemployed due to their sexuality. According to Barber, (2003) many employers deny LGBTQ individuals employment opportunities regardless of their experience, expertise, and qualifications further, some employers have resulted in paying LGBTQ individuals’ lower wages as compared to their straight counterparts (Finney, 2008).

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The homophobia, discrimination, and stigma affect the ability of the LGBTQ community to have as well as maintain long-term relationships. All these factors and negative attitudes to contribute massively to low levels of healthcare accessibility by the LGBTQ community. Lack of Education for Doctors, Nurses, and Community The gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual community have distinctive health risk factors. However, there are inadequate doctors and nurses who have the required medical expertise to deal with the unique health issues affecting the LGBTQ community. The negative attitudes expressed towards gays, bisexuals, lesbians, and transgender people may lead to poor mental health as well as poor coping skills. Further, these negative attitudes may result in substance abuse and suicide attempts, as depression is a common medical problem associated with the LGBTQ community (Finney, 2008).

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All these are medical conditions that face many LGBTQ people. Stigma is a complex issue that has wide-reaching detrimental impacts on LGBTQ person health. Speaking out against disparities related to LGBTQ community is a perfect way of getting rid of stigma directed towards LGBTQ community (Bibel, 2002). Significantly, parents play a vital role in the physical and mental well-being of their children. Thus, parents of LGBTQ children should talk openly with their children and especially teens about the challenges and concerns should be made to understand that assumptions regarding LGBTQ persons are false. Moreover, LGBTQ people should not hide their identity they should be proud of who they as they deserve to be happy just like their straight counterparts (Finney, 2008). This should be done irrespective of religious beliefs and personal perspectives.

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