Lifestyle Changes in Preventing Ischemic Heart Disease

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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% of such deaths affecting male within the age gap of 30-45 years (J Malaysia, 2014). Proving an agent worthy case for the health ministry of the Malaysian government as the numbers are worrying and life-threatening. Despite various measures put in place to solve the menace and at least reduce the Ischemic diseases to manageable levels, the mortality rates among men is still increasing steadily and causing great havoc to the sustainability of the health systems. These diseases, has been found out to be lower in women than men due to several lifestyle reflected factors such as excessive drinking of alcohol by men, smoking of tobacco, lack of enough exercise, too much eating of fast junky foods. From world health organization database report the diseases has been found out to be both age and sex-specific, ratios of its spread being 4- 5 for men and women respectively.

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The kind of lifestyle in case here, is excessive smoking habit adopted by most of the young men, poor dieting consisting of extreme sugar, saturated fats which leads cholesterol getting into the body leading to blockage of blood vessels by this fats. Eating of too much junk foods leaving out fruits and vegetables which contains essential nutrients such as vitamins and mineral ions like magnesium. Obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and hypertension are some of the risk factor associated with the advancement of cardiovascular diseases. They come by with age, as the diseases tend to modify several biochemical processes of the heart causing a potential enhancement and damage to ischemia-like injuries such as reperfusion of the blood vessels of the heart. For example patients, male victims associated with type 2 diabetes caused by alcoholism have an enhanced risk of being infected with coronary heart diseases than non –alcoholics or rather non-diabetic patients (Rahman, 2013).

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The inactiveness causes an individual to be obese, increase blood pressure levels; high cholesterol and diabetes are some of the risk factors of lack of exercise among Malaysian male communities. Obesity This is defined as excess fat in the body that is a function of high levels of saturated fats in the body such as bad cholesterols and Trans fats. Obese Malaysian male are at risk of being infected with diabetes and high blood pressure levels (WHO, 2000). These levels of fats had accumulated in the young men steadily with time until it reached a critical level for the body to handle leading to susceptibility to infections. Too Much Alcohol Most of the young male in Malaysia is alcoholics and chain smokers from their early childhood.

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Primarily, it is prudent to note that lifestyle diseases are preventable from the onset (Ratna S, 2014). If and only the country health system can set up a proper alignment of approach through policy measures and health, education of the citizens about the need to adopt lifestyle changes to save themselves from ischemic heart diseases. The preventive measures proposed by the Malaysia ministry of health (MOH) to help in reducing the advancement of ischemia among young male adult of the country includes the following measures: Reduction in smoking of tobacco by the male adult population This can be achieved through enforcement of policies illegalizing smoking of tobacco due to its detrimental effects on the health systems of the citizens. It can be carried out through setup of smoking zones, heavy taxation of tobacco products to discourage its consumption or complete abolishment of smoking.

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Research showed that smoking contributed to 43% of the new schematic diseases among young male adults. Stress management Economic competition and struggle to succeed among the young men in the Malaysia population is a trigger to severe stress levels noted from a section of the population. This stress is critically related to ischemic heart diseases or the otherwise cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack (WHO, 2007). Proper management of stress through listening to music, meditation and regular exercising among others are some of the remedial measures to the menace. In conclusion, even though the burden of ischemic heart disease is very heavy for the ministry of health of Malaysia to carry wholly, deaths of the vibrant part of the population through lifestyle-related ailments leading to cardiovascular complications has been more than a disaster to the Malaysian people.

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