Lighting Analysis in Lust Caution Film

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Film

Document 1

This paper seeks to analyze the lighting that was used in the capturing and production of Lust, Caution Film, explaining the details and effects, while conjecturally describing the director’s intentions behind the lighting choices. Key Light First, key lighting is used as the preponderant light that illuminates the subject in the film. For instance, the still in 01. 35 uses key light to focus on the lady in her bedroom as she takes off her pantyhose after a long, tedious day. Evidently, the director uses low-key lighting which doesn’t create a bright ambiance, to set up the perfect mood for the storyline at that particular point. Speculatively, I believe the director used the bluish backlight to convey a message that the emotional atmosphere was charged with melancholy.

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