LinkedIn Career Strategies

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

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The future may provide an uncertain ride, but with a solid career plan and a role model can serve as an effective roadmap to getting what one would wish to achieve (Fawley 2013). Developing your personal career path is often essential in our personal development and growth. Without the necessary goals to strive or achieve, many people often find it difficult to gain the essential skills which makes one a valuable individual in the community. The accountability of having inspiration and fixed objectives can help one to develop and design his career path (Chapman 2011). LinkedIn provides a platform for many thirsty career seekers to quench their desires, it also provides an opportunity for many people to decide their dream careers. After working for several years, she joined the New York Institute of Technology in the year 1992 and pursued a master’s degree in Communication Arts (Cooper & Naatus 2014).

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This particular program enabled her to position herself in an environment which provided diverse opportunities in her area of interest. Career Hua Yu started her career with a Seagram in China, she was among the responsible members who geared the launch of Seagram. Seagram was a wine cooler in China which introduced brand new categories to the residents and local consumers. Hua Yu is a well-known strategic thinker and has conquered many business opportunities in both China and around the world. Lastly, she is responsible for overseeing some of the day-to-day activities for the LEVEL5 operations. This includes people, systems, money, and knowledge. In the year 2014, Hua received one of her greatest lifetime awards. Due to her outstanding lifetime achievements and professionalism in business retail, she was awarded the Mandarin Profile Awards (Kasten 2011).

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This award motivated her greatly and she embarked on her work with great determination. Analyzing the profile Basically, Hua’s LinkedIn profile fits the qualification of being called an all-star profile. The profile has a well, clear and professional photo which attracts the reader more. In her profile picture, Hua Yu is well dressed in a good conduct that suits her industry. In addition to the profile picture, Hua Yu has also uploaded a background image, making the profile more appealing (Cooper & Naatus 2014). Another strength of the profile is the level of professionalism used, she has put all her academic achievements, qualifications and experience in her profile, this makes it easy for her to be contacted since she has already created a niche for herself by focusing on the professionalism in her industry.

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Studying retail, necessitate one with many possibilities for a career advancement and growth to the corporate level. In retail, there exist many success key elements, however, there is no formula for advancement. As a retail professional one has the opportunity to gain knowledge in retail where the environment can fuse with one’s personal passion and style in one’s career. Positions may include stock specialist, Cashier, Merchandiser, and Sales associate. Apart from having complete knowledge retail, it is necessary for one to have the following soft skills in order to break the industry (Selig 2008). The other career may include becoming product promoter, cashier and an information technology coordinator. With the increase in knowledge and advancement in technology, product manufacturing is on the rise in many countries, a career in retail not only does it guarantee one a job but also a chance to explore and oversee market opportunities.

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Conclusion Persuasively, most people have a significant goal that they hope to achieve in the future. It may be a long-term dream job or a career path that one wants to pursue, developing your personal career path is often essential in our personal development and growth. Hua Yu is a popular retailer and is well known for her passion and commitment to business and management. "How to use social networking to build your own network. " Manager (2011): 14. Fawley, Nancy E. "LinkedIn as an information source for human resources, competitive intelligence. " Online Searcher (2013): 31. "Exploring the impact of RFID technology and the EPC network on mobile B2B eCommerce: A case study in the retail industry. " International Journal of Production Economics 112. Williams, Christine L.

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