Logistics and distribution management

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

It is a part of supply chain management that is responsible of carrying out the following activities as listed below. It helps in planning, implementing as well as controlling the flow of goods in an effective and efficient manner. Distribution management on the other hand involves overseeing the movement of goods from their origin to the point where there are needed. It involves quite a lot of processes such as supply chain, packaging, warehousing, inventory as well as logistics. It is quite a critical process for the success of a non-governmental organization as well as of any other corporation. The other steps are is checking whether there is shortage in production and material and acknowledging the order and indicating deviations if there is any.

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The next function is inventory control which involves keeping inventories so as to meet customer’s requirement. Inventory control in a non-governmental organization is quite a huge carrying cost which if not properly handled it can eat up profits indirectly. It consists of trying to strike a balance between customer services and he cost of meeting these services (Lambert & Stock, 2013). It does consist of various costs such as the pilferage, losses, insurance, damages as well as inventory. Additional details about logistics and distribution management in nongovernmental organizations Distribution management can be used by non-governmental as a marketing function since it is responsible for managing how distribution occurs in an ecosystem. It does this by taking into consideration of the following elements as listed below.

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Price which is the value attached to a good or service which involves intangible and tangible factors that may include; financing, list price, discounts as well as the responses they are likely to get from competitors and customers. The next consideration is product which is not always tangible but it can also be intangible such as music, information or an idea depending on what the non-governmental organization deals with. Promotion is the other consideration which is basically any communication from an organization that is aimed at informing, persuading and reminding buyers about a seller’s products, images and services (Magee, 2015). Distribution management is also applied in real life in various ways as listed below. One way is customer service where by distribution management is responsible for ensuring the distribution systems are effective and that the records of costs that meet various customers service standard are kept properly.

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Distribution management has led to improvement of customer services level by doing the following activities as outlined below. Ensuring that goods are always available, improving the order cycle time by minimizing the gap that exists between the time an order was placed and the time it was delivered. It also provides proper training to the employees in the transportation department. It also helps the organization to create value since better logistics makes goods become available to a large number of people. It also increase the business value by ensuring goods are always available and improving merchandise. It is also advantageous since it helps in improving efficiency and reducing costs. When there is quality logistics management, the efficiency in businesses improves there efficiency by ensuring goods are delivered in a timely manner which consequently leads to higher working efficiency in general.

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Logistics and distribution management has some pros as listed below. Ensuring there is a consistency in service levels; this can be achieved by having a single partner for logistics and supply chain work. It also leads to improved pricing, flexibility and improved partnership mentality. Conclusion In conclusion, it is quite evident to see that logistics and distribution management are related in that logistics falls under the category of physical distribution since distribution management is divided into two that is commercial and physical distribution. Logistics is basically the management of how things flow from their origin to where the point where there are needed in accordance to corporations or customer’s need. There are various types of resources that are managed in logistics and they include intangible and physical items alike such as materials, time, equipment and information Distribution management on the other hand involves overseeing the movement of goods from their origin to the point where there are needed.

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