Love Bonito Fashion Company Case Study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Fashion

Document 1

The paper shall compare their competitors, competition analysis, branding strategies and their promotion activities. Love, Bonito is a local womenswear fashion brand originated from Singapore, founded by three friends Rachel Lim, Velda Tan, and Viola Tan. At present, the brand has expanded its presence online and offline across Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia. The brand also ships their products internationally through their online shop. The founders were just teenagers when they began to sell clothes online through their blog shop. Another key strategy the fashion company utilizes is the brand loyalty through developing a strong connection to their customers. Research has shown that customers feel confident and attached to the firms which meet their demands. A company that makes them feel connected easily wins the trust of the clients.

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That is the simple science behind brand loyalty, a style that the fashion company has significantly utilized. The firm management ensures that they listen to the customers, and ensure that they provide what exactly they want. The firm has been able to win some of the customers from the giant firms because of their persistence on customer connection strategy. Promotion activities The firm does not spend much on promoting their products, but they have utilized cheap effective methods of promotion and marketing. The most common and most preferred promotion activity is through the use of word of mouth. They believe that the method is the loudest and the most honest promotion technique. They meet their customers, talk to them about the products and persuade them to purchase them. It deals in the similar product line with that of Love, Bonito firm; they both design and sell womenswear.

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The firm offers products for modern day demand. Their products are unique, with a variety updated fashion wear. The firm was established in the year 2010 with the goal of providing a fashion solution to the women of Singapore. The values of the company are affordability and class. Another branding strategy they apply in the business is understanding. Understanding of the real needs of the women of Singapore, both in terms of body size and quality. They also believe that the customer commands the scope of production. They carefully watch what the Singapore women prefer, and strive to provide that which they prefer. They say that customer reaction tells it all. The prices of their products decrease with an increase of the number of units purchased. The strategy has created a perception that the firm sells their products at low and unique prices.

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The strategy has also encouraged bulk buying. It uses the weakness that women love purchasing more than one cloth at a go, and maximizes on this to bring the best out of it. As women purchase more, they pay less, and this keeps them purchasing. This is where the customers can be found. The company also uses word of mouth promotion to persuade their customers. They believe in the method because it gives constant results, and it is cheap. Just like the Love Bonito Company, Editors Market believes that word of mouth promotion gets the clients attached to the firm and connect both parties. Works cited Fogg, Marnie. Lee, Eulanda A. Sanders, L Ammayappan, Seiko Jose, A A. Raj, A Arputharaj, A S. M. Raja, and Sujata Saxena. com/.

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