Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Fashion

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Notably, the consumers exploit sustainability plan of organisations to evaluate their products. Consequently, this has resulted in a recognizable shift in the purchasing behaviour of the customers towards more sustainably produced products as customer find environmentally-friendly credentials vitally necessary as they make purchase decisions. Matt & Nat has created a unique brand in the market due to its green labelling strategy on their products, creating an appeal in the mind of its clientele. Company Background Information Matt & Nat was established in 1995 in Montreal, Canada by Inder Bedi. The company was founded on the great attraction of a natural world by the founder. He established Matt & Nat in 1995 to help the locals access eco-friendly products. The company was founded on veganism principles, which focuses on respecting life and life. It explains the life-long commitment of the company to pay attention to the quality and material of its products.

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Consequently, this has helped the company to attract a large pool of clientele. In turn, this accounts the ability of the firm to continuously support its objectives and goals. d. The lining of the bags manufactured at Matt & Nat is entirely made from recyclable plastic bottles. The firm considers it necessary not to utilise leather in manufacturing its products. Simply, the company believes that hurting animals is a bad thing and it is concerned with the welfare of the planet. Matt & Nat’s collections are designed the company’s close-knit team. d. The firm strives to design fashionable, durable and timeless styles. Matt and Nat conduct several quality control tests on all its new styles (Ethical Unicorn 2016). Additionally, it appropriates itself these styles and tests them in its daily life. These processes help the firm to test the wear and tear of the materials it exploits to ensure the bags it presents to the market offer functional and resistance attributes demanded in the market.

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Transparency in the design and manufacturing functions of a firm play an important role in creating loyal customers (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004). Matt & Nat has benefited from this strategy in creating a large pool of loyal customers. Consequently, this has helped the firm to obtain a big market margin, and hence, an ability to continue supporting its business objectives and goals. Matt & Nat’s website contains bullet-form its ethics and sustainability strategies. The website displays brief information regarding its history and its commitment throughout a variety of processes and ethics and sustainability strategies. The World Business Councils Sustainable Development view CSR as a commitment and contribution of a firm to improve the quality of life of people in the surrounding communities and those within the workplace (in Popa 2015, p. Matt & Nat has advanced its CSR strategy through a continued use of a vegan style of design and manufacturing processes.

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The company also benefits from customer loyalty, especially those inclined to support going “green. ” The willingness to pay, purchase intention, and long-lasting customer loyalty and advocacy behaviors are indicators of consumers’ support of a brand (Bhattacharya & Sen 2004; Du, Bhattacharya & Sen 2007; Mohr & Webb 2005;). Being a sustainable firm, Matt & Nat demonstrates an advanced prowess of taking sustainability advantage, increasing its ability to drive and influence general awareness in Montreal and across the globe. As Matt & Nat to grow and establish its global presence, the commitment to operating sustainable fashions is currently widespread, increasing its ability to raise awareness about fashionable vegan products. Conclusion There is an increasing awareness regarding producing environmentally sustainable products among the consumers. Therefore, firms with effective and convincing CSR plans on their annual reports are likely to create an appeal among customers, resulting in an increased ability of the firm to establish a large pool of loyal customers.

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Matt & Nat has made wide steps in embracing sustainable processes throughout the production processes of its fashion styles. The company produces handbags and accessories using non-animal based materials. Bhattacharya, C. B. Sen, S. Reaping relational rewards from corporate social responsibility: The role of competitive positioning. International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. A & Webb, DJ 2005, ‘The effects of corporate social responsibility and price on consumer responses,’ The Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. no. pp.

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