Malaria in Africa

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Table of Contents Summary 2 Background of the problem 4 Impact of the problem 4 Approaches 4 Partnerships 5 Strategy 5 Proposed solution 6 SWOT Analysis 6 Strengths 6 Weaknesses 7 Opportunities 7 Threats 7 Results of the Analysis 8 Recommendations 8 Conclusion 9 References 9 Introduction Malaria has retreated in a majority of the African countries and most visibly in the Sub-Saharan countries. Statistics show that the rates of malaria infection lowered by more than 50% between the years 2008 and 2010. Some of the factors that attributed to this were wider and easier accessibility to medicine, improved diagnosis of the disease as well as proper use of treated mosquito nets ("World malaria report," 2018). In spite of the high success of the initiatives put in place over the past few years, the malaria situation is currently fragile. Currently, the funding done covers just a quarter of the essential percentage to attain the Roll Back Malaria targets RBM.

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Partnerships Significant reduction in malaria can occur upon having stronger cooperation among those partners who are in support of the programs set by the countries, sustainable leadership in the government and global commitment to eradicate malaria. Some partners in reducing the burden of disease in Africa include the international community under the MDG in union with the Roll Back Malaria. Besides, the World Bank is also a founder member of the RBM partnership (Pasquale et al. These partnerships have already advocated the Global Malaria Action Plan (GMAP) targets and objectives. Upon achievement of these targets, child mortality will be lowered, and maternal health improved. Oversight is necessary more so due to the critical public concerns that are arising from the issue of drug resistance as seen along the border of Thai-Myanmar.

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SWOT Analysis SWOT is a technique used in strategic planning to aid in the identification of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats about planning a project or business competition. Below is the SWOT present in the endeavor to control malaria in Africa. Strengths There is a firm leadership by the government, political commitment as well as increased advocacy for the control of malaria. Secondly, the presence of policies, strategically formulated planning and guidelines for preventing and controlling the disease. Apart from the above, other threats comprise of misuse of mosquito nets, failure of the private pharmacies and clinics to adhere to the nationally set treatment guidelines and availability of unregulated and fake drugs from donors (Korenromp, Hosseini, Newman & Cibulskis, 2013). Results of the Analysis From the SWOT analysis, it is evident that the strengths outlined plays a vital role in the attempt to control, diagnose as well as treat malaria among individuals in Africa.

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The presence of strategic planning is useful in managing the disease. The weaknesses point out the things that need to be done to achieve adequate reduction of malaria. For instance, there is the need for sustainable funding to aid in activities such as buying drugs, mosquito nets and even carrying out research. High-level partnerships, as well as strategic planning, are some of the approaches that can aid in malaria control. The SWOT analysis is an indication of what needs to be done on the health sector to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malaria among the African population. References Korenromp, E. Hosseini, M. Newman, R. Manyando, C. Emerging Challenges of Efforts towards Malaria Elimination in Africa. Malaria Control & Elimination, 05(01). Number of malaria deaths. World Health Organization. Quive, I. Candrinho, B.

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Geelhoed, D. Household survey of the availability of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets and its determinants in rural Mozambique. Malaria Journal, 14(1).

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