Managing across cultures essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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For instance, businesses that need to benefit from a certain national culture may need to employ indigenous people so that they can serve the particular needs of the people. Hence, striking a balance between a global and national culture is key since it captures the behaviors and aspirations of all clients irrespective of their destinations. Managing across cultures as influenced by external environments of international HR can be affected by factors of convergence, national as well as indigenous cultures. Convergence The emergence of global culture has signified that all the different cultures merge so as to create a unitary system. Key drivers to such include technology and the rise of dominant languages such as English, French, Chinese, and Germany. This can prevent them from misconstruing certain information.

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Whereas the expression of emotion is highly esteemed in western cultures, the Asians believe that it shows a sign of immaturity (Wintersberger 2017, 53). Hence, western HR professionals who desire to venture into Asian markets may need to train their employees on such cues so as to ensure unitary communication. An aspect of convergence may also be envisaged on the issue of time, as considered from eastern and European cultures. In this regard, an understanding of different timeframes may assist international HR practitioners to create better programs. In the past, China chose to create its own version of Google in a clever strategy to block the mainstream Google from penetrating into the country (Parry and Tyson 2013, 61). Hence, competition becomes the cornerstone of national values, such that distinct cultures are allowed to manifest.

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Besides, religion can play a role, where certain employees are only allowed to serve particular geographical environments. In a similar case scenario, a banking system that abides by Muslim values cannot be managed by a western employee, who does not understand the religion. Influence of indigenous culture Home culture is an issue that should be taken into consideration when managing cross-cultural aspirations. Despite the fact that business environments have become global in nature, labor markets continue to be dynamic, and hence the need to create strategies that can customize needs in response to local requirements. Accordingly, the talent market existing in Asia is quite different from the one on western countries, an indication that effective HR management can ensure the businesses are able to thrive despite cultural barriers (Sparrow, Brewster and Chung 2016, 42).

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In many ways, adapting local talent can be applied quite effectively if western firms can choose to enter into a franchise with companies that are already existing in their foreign destinations. While the strategy can be used to preserve indigenous cultures, it also allows for the local firms to have a better griponf the business environment. The parent organization that is headquartered inthe western world merely provides capital, and benefits immensely from profits that emanate from such a strategy. Besides, it can create low inferiority complex to the victimized employees, and make them not to exercise their competences to the maximum. Instead of allowingemployeess to observe their own independent cultures derived from their own backgrounds, the establishment of an organizational culture that esteems tolerance would help overcome the existing differences (Giousmpasoglou and Marinakou 2016, 27).

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When new employees are hired in any firm, the HR team has to ensure that the distinct organizational culture is provided to them so that they can abide by it. Such a culture would focus more on offering employees the autonomy to think on their own, while at the same time providing them with equal opportunities to share their opinions. In this regard, domineering employees would be castigated, with the passive members being offered an opportunity to air their opinions. Despite globalizatiohasng brought new opportunities in terms of communication and technology, there is sufficient evidence to illustrate that competition has limited opportunities for them. On the converse, an assortment of international HR processes has been recommended to ensure that such barriers can be overcome.

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Adapting local talents allows the multinationals to use indigenous capabilities to enhance growth, and this can be achieved through franchises. Besides, a shared model would guarantee that HR practitioners within every destination abide by certain common values to ensurthe e success of businesses. Lastly, having an organizational culture that promotes tolerance would help all firms ithe n global business environment to ensure that employees from different destinations learn from each other, and therefore create a formidable business environment for multinationals. 1111/j. x Giousmpasoglou, Charalampos, and Evangelia Marinakou. "Culture and Managers in a Globalised World. " Researchgate 1-27. DOI: 10. Machado, Carolina. International human resourcemanagement: : challenges and changesCham: : Springer. Özbilgin, Mustafa F. , Dimitria Groutsis, and William S. Harvey. Wintersberger, Daniel. International human resourmanagement:t : a case study approacLondon;n ; New YorNY:Y : Kogan Page Limited.

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