Managing in a technologically mediated business environment

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Economics

Document 1

In the present era, numerous firms both in the private, as well as public sectors have incorporated a functional technological framework, partitioning their work operations and decision-making procedures into separate sections in the form of compartments. Therefore, technology has been integrated into the management of these organizations to support the roles of each department (Bhatt 70). Management in the majority of organizations anticipates technology to enhance and promote production, creativity, efficient, as well as an effective decision-making process, competitive advantage, as well as critical thinking. Numerous organizations have integrated technology in their daily operations to enhance the productivity of the organization to meet the needs of its customers and to remain competitive in the business environment. Therefore, the organization expects that its management and leadership are up to the task. This can only be achieved through the incorporation of the current technology in the organization.

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The technology ensures that the financial information of the organization can be obtained within a moment and helps in the analysis of the daily operation of the firm. Within a technologically mediated business environment, the communication process is more effective since members of staff and leaders within an organization can communicate through social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook (Hernandez et al. They can also communicate through email which is a convenient means of delivering information within an organization. Digital technology performs a significant function in promoting efficient communication within the organization. Therefore, managers should recruit employees who are competent in contemporary technology. Digitizing business environment or workplaces has transformed the way firms are usually managed and operated, and this has also influenced the way innovation should be managed and adopted within the new technological business environment (Highsmith and Cockburn 123).

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Since the adoption of new technology within the organization calls for the inception of new ideas about the utilization of technology, as well as its administration in the business environment, business managers should offer its employees the opportunity to freely express their talents and abilities for the benefit of the organization at large. By doing so, this will enhance and promote productivity within the organization and also enhance a harmonious working environment which will help employees to work to the best of their abilities. Technology within an organization provides employees with a golden opportunity to introduce new and innovative ideas which will challenge the status quo of the organization hence, encouraging the manager to be more receptive and embrace new concepts in the business environment which will promote the realization of company`s objective in the business environment.

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Hence, the technologically mediated firms may be composed of people, software, application, as well as other service providers. The final production of the virtual firm is as a result of trust experienced in a social interconnected mechanism whereby technology is the tangible agent. Hence a fundamental challenge for the technologically mediated business environment is the expansion or evolution of a cohesive unit which concerns with developing mutual trust, as well as the cooperation of members to fulfil the mandate or objectives of the team in an organization. Therefore, managers should be at the forefront in uniting and promoting teamwork within the organization for the realization of the objectives of the organization (Turban 48). This is because members who are not united within the organization inhibit the initiation of interpersonal relationships, as well as communication mediums that enhance trust.

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 Technovation 28. Highsmith, Jim, and Alistair Cockburn. Agile software development: The business of innovation.  Computer 34. Ruff, Frank.

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