Master's Prepared Nurse Leading Change
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
A master’s prepared nurse in well-appointed to lead in any healthcare setting. To lead the advanced clinical environment, one must work hard to effectively communicate and collaborate with all the healthcare providers, including interdisciplinary teams to ensure delivery of quality care. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the essential element of a master’s prepared nurse and the importance of their role. It will also identify and apply leadership theory to a healthcare delivery situation that needs change. The paper will also develop a proposed plan for change and strategies to initiate change. As leaders, they can empower and influence others to change the way they think. However, they have to lead as perfect examples to motivate their juniors. The leadership role influences others to perform their best; which involves sharing values, visions, and expectations to improve their organization’s goals and effectiveness (Giltinane, 2013).
Additionally, people may adhere to change when the leader shows confidence and respect for other employees. Also, the advance nurse can make changes that can improve the quality of the patient care, improve the patient’s outcome and decrease the healthcare cost. Therefore, these patients go home without proper treatment, mediations and or home health services. Eventually, the patients come back worse than before, with a long hospital stays and needing aggressive medical treatment. Application of Leadership Theory to a Healthcare Delivery Situation In the above situations, the master’s prepared nurse can apply the transformational leadership theory to create a successful connection with the team members. In this approach, the leaders encourage the team to have a new perspective on the change and to work on a common goal. It can be done by giving them positive feedback and creating a team approach.
The quality of such an exercise will also be higher and the patient is likely to have a positive attitude during the treatment process thus making the exercise fruitful. Strategies to initiate change and improve patient’s outcomes The advance nurse must first, assess herself and improver her leadership skill, which include effective communication. The leader must also know who will be affected or involved in the change. Team leaders must be confident in their abilities and trust that the team is competent in their specialty. The leader must know when and where to gather the team. The leader must reiterate to the team that the change will increase their job satisfaction and will foster a positive working environment. Lastly, it is imperative that the nurse leader encourages a trusting, honest relationship with the team.
The identification of these barriers will aid the extraprofessional team to work together towards a common goal. Conclusion There are many leadership theories, and each one of them can be applied to different leadership situations. One leadership style that is applied by many leaders is the transformational leadership; which encourages the team to reach their highest potential, inspires others and empowers the multidisciplinary team members to unite for a common goal. Barker (Eds. Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed. pp. Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett. Giltinane, C. Journal of Nursing Management, 22, 894-905. doi:10. jonm. Hurlock-Chorostecki, C. Forchuck, C. The Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 10(5), 337-343. doi:10. j. nurpra.
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