Media Configuration and Convergence essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Media

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In addition, media convergence has allowed communication devices like phones, iPods and computers to deliver multiple contents by merging a set of a media stream. The converged stream is then merged to form a single stream that allows for simultaneous delivery to create a single media source. However, the convergence process eliminates unnecessary streams to give room for the preferred streams to converge at a given point. Besides, the converged media plays an integral role in promoting a participatory culture where both consumers and producers are allowed to work collaboratively. Media convergence gives media producers and users an opportunity to generate and disperse ideas, news, and creativities while at the same time connecting with individuals who have the same interests or aspirations. Convergence culture constitutes the combination of new and old media in a single piece of media work.

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It may include using the old media like the television to play a new media game that comes in the form of a game console. Thus, media convergence is rapidly making people dependent on the technology. Through, a convergence culture, every important story can be told, each idea can be implemented, multiple brands can be sold, and each consumer can access multiple media platforms. However, the circulation of media content across different systems significantly depends on consumer participation. Therefore, both media corporations and consumers are destined to interact with each to better use the media. Besides, convergence occurs in various forms including in the brains of the target consumers and their socialization processes. Arguably, every person constructs his/her meaning of the information extracted from the media. Since there is so much information regarding the preferable topic at our disposal, we are obliged to be cautious of the media we choose to consume.

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This has also affected the policy and regulatory environment that has to play catch-up to the rapidly evolving environment (Freedman et al. Through them, individuals develop the capacity to make sense out of their ordinary world. However, sustaining trans-media storytelling means that the number of media platforms needs to increase including the individual consumers of the specific mediums. Furthermore, Scolari (2014) argues that media convergence does not limit itself within technological advancements. Instead, it extends to social components and industrial culture where users are motivated to be on the lookout for new information including making connections using the diverse media contents. Transmedia storytelling constitutes creating contents that catch the attention of the audience. These streams are used to deliver single streaming content to the multicast group. A multicast stream involves recipients electing a multicast group that corresponds to the particular stream.

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Conventional media providers aim at reaching a group of recipients that suit the specific media source, which enhances the sustenance of the digital media that is preferred by the majority of consumers. Digital Media The new or digital media has changed the perception of everyone in regards to media content. In other words, the contemporary society perceives new media to constitute a set of discrete objects that include the cell phone, computer, e-book reader, and iPod (Broeckmann 2014). Half-life: Counter-strike is among the world leading online games. The game can be played in either a single or a multiplayer mode. It constitutes a number of series, which include counter-strike, Condition Zero, Source, Global Offensive, and Spin-off titles. However, the game was initially introduced as a multilayer mode for Half-life but later merged with Sierra where it was reintroduced as a counter-strike.

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Counter-strike is everybody’s desire attribute to its tactical team shooter and mission planning scenes. Some of the components that constitute the game making process include programming, storytelling, artistic styles, data analysis, designing, project management, and animation methods. The entire system is depended on each other in one way or the other. Therefore, the various teams are obliged to work collectively and creatively to produce products that give the end users an excellent experience. Broeckmann (2014) argues that managing multi-skilled teams require adequate collaboration and communication skills including broad expertise in the related field. As a result, the collaboration within the corporation may witness the company collaborating with other media firms, which enhances media convergence. The digitization of media products like the television will probably reach a point where the manner at which the image is displayed in the TV is the same way as it is being shown on the computer screen and other telematics devices (Guattari 2018).

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Even more, media operations that seem to be apart currently will operate collaboratively. Equally, consumers with a passive attitude towards the media are likely to develop an intense liking for the same few years from now. Therefore, there is significant hope for a profound transformation in the media, which is an element that is likely to overcome the subjectivity of the contemporary society. In the post media era, individual organizations are expected to work collectively, which may be facilitated by information machines, increased intelligence, communication efficiency, advanced art and evolved media culture. Thus, the only way to sustain the media technology is by putting aside any differences that may limit maximum collaboration. The approach allows not only the media but also the public to interact in multiple ways including developing a collaborative spirit where new ideas that improve life on earth are created.

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References Belk, R. You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online.  Journal of Business Research, 67(8), pp. E. Reeves, R. Rindfleisch, A. Stewart, D. and Taylor, E. YouTube, 29 www. youtube. com/watch?v=UR79xt6xkxc. Accessed 2018. Guattari, F.  The Internet and the mass media, pp. Jensen, K. B.  Media convergence: The three degrees of network, mass and interpersonal communication. Routledge.

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