Mental Health Rural and Remote Nursing

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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Mental health nursing is a critical component of primary health care. The term ‘health’ describes a state of complete social, physical, as well as mental well-being. Most importantly, health does not imply the lack of disease. Consequently, primary health care is the most basic level of contact that the society has with the health care system. Foremost, primary health care focuses on health promotion within a community whereby the deterrence of disease and community development play the key role. Also important for the patient welfare attribute is that the nurse should be a representative of patients ‘and the community’s interest in the health system. Privacy is an important aspect in as far as the patient’s welfare is concerned and, therefore, nurses should maintain confidentiality about their mental health patients (MacLeod et al.

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Secondly, rural and remote mental health nurse’s ought to possess interpersonal skills and contextual knowledge. Most important is the interpersonal skills attribute to be able to manage inevitable aspects of work such as conflicts. Secondly, interpersonal skills are critical where a nurse is required to perform counselling and guidance to patients. Secondly, the nurses ought to be cheerful, practice patience with their patients and colleagues, be honest, possess excellent organizational skills, and possesses good time management skills (Sivamalai, 2008). The fifth attribute of primary health care nurses is accountability. The accountability attribute requires of nurses to be to be able to justify their actions and accept personal and professional responsibilities. For instance, an accountable nurse identifies and recognizes their limitations to avoid prescribing the wrong drugs or dosage.

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Nurses are required to enhance a safe working environment for both their colleagues and patients (Sivamalai, 2008). It is imperative to develop programs that set aside more resources to address the needs of the young population notwithstanding the ones facing anxiety disorders alongside major depressive disorders. Others include young females with anxiety ailments, middle-aged, females from high-income backgrounds and suffering from depressive disorders, as well as the young adults with dependence disorders, specifically the low income-earners (Fleury, Grenier, Bamvita, Perreault, 2011). The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion Developing personal skills as a tool for addressing mental health care among young low-income earners. Mental health promotion should promote the patient’s self-efficacy beliefs, capabilities as well as skills besides involving them in decision making for patients through availing information to them, educating them on issues concerning mental health in addition to promoting their life skills that are essential and practical.

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By equipping the rural and remote communities with personal skills, nurses enable the community to have more control over their mental health, the environment, as well as enhancing choices that lead to conducive healthiness. Ultimately, community development enhances self-help and social support groups, flexible mental health community systems and enhancing public participation (Townsend & Morgan, 2017). Build healthy public policy- rural and remote mental health nurse contribution to policy formulation is invaluable. Progressive and sustainable health promotion goes beyond health care to proactive tasks such as putting mental health on the agenda of policy at the rural level. Further, the nurse directs the policymakers on the impact of their decisions and putting them to task to accept responsibility for mental health. Policymaking involves various complementary approaches including fiscal measures, organization changes, legislations and taxation.

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Research shows that more female is seeking mental health care as compared to male clients. The key attributes of rural and remote mental health nursing practices include the patient’s welfare, interpersonal skills and contextual knowledge, professionalism, and personal attributes. More female patients are coming out as compared to men to get treatment from mental illness related conditions. The youths, especially the low-income earners and suffering from two or more psychological illnesses exhibit the most socio-economic vulnerability and, therefore, they are the most frequent service utilizers. It is imperative to develop programs that set aside more resources to address the needs of the young population notwithstanding the ones facing anxiety disorders alongside major depressive disorders. M. , & Worret, P. A. H. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing-E-Book.

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