Method Selection Essay
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Health Care
R, 2012). The quantitative method involves collecting available data and carrying out an analysis and interpretation procedure to get the answer to the research problem. In this research, data was collected through a qualitative method as it was the best to suit the research problem and understand the health effects of the soft drinks to the consumers. The method was very helpful as it assisted in getting other data to assist in complementing our study; moreover, the method was flexible as the results could be projected to show future effects to the consumers. Methods used to collect data-Qualitative Questionnaires- These are forms with structured questions which the researcher gives to the respondent. Kennedy High School in Montreal Canada as my site for the research. The school offered the best choice for field work as it had a mixed-race population of both blacks and whites, with a population of 430 students ranging from grade 7-11.
This age bracket is believed to have the highest consumption of soft drinks in the U. S of more than 58%. It also reflected a national outlook of the country as it is a public school with students from a varied social background and status. The secondary data was retrieved from medical journals, magazine and other scholarly works to supplement the primary data. The use of documentation research assisted in creating neutrality in the data reducing cases of biases. The closed-ended provided the exact answers to the problem statement while the limited open-ended questions elaborated some of the respondent views concerning the study and any other crucial information that the respondent felt was important. The closed-ended questions are important in ensuring a less divergent response to the questions hence offering an almost standardized response (Rubinson and Rubinson, 2012).
Conducting field work The fieldwork was conducted through a random administration of Questionnaires. Factors influencing consumption of soft drinks- consumers (N-50) Thirst 5(10%) Taste 30(60%) Stimulation 10(20% Influence from peers 5(10%) Figure 1. Amount of soft drinks consumed per week (ml) Vol/wk Consumption below 1000ml Consumption between 1000ml-2000ml Over 2000ml Boys 4(16%) 9(35%) 12(49%) Girls 8(32%) 6(28%) 12(40%) Figure 1. Population Structure of the subject Type of family Consumption Nuclear 40(78%) Extended 10(22%) Figure 1. Data on daily nutrient intake of consumers and non- consumers Nutrients RDA Consumers Non-Consumers Energy( kcal/d)-Boys Girls 2550 2200 1445 1430 1845 1826 Protein(g/d) -boys Girls 54 52 53 50 41 31 Fat(g/d) -boys Girls 44 41 44 41 56 54 Carbohydrates(g/d)Boys Girls 410 350 240 169 291 266 Calcium( mg/d)Boys Girls 780 780 580 568. Iron (mg/d)Boys Girls 34 29 15 16 12 11 Data on BMI of consumers and non-consumers of soft drinks Category Consumers Non-consumer Height in cm-Average 150 155 Weight in Kg-average 50 37 BMI/KG/m2-average 0. Date 9/06/2018 Dear Sir.
Permission Request for Fieldwork Study in your school I am a student in virtual school and I am required to carry out fieldwork to investigate on negative effects of carbonated drinks to the school going children and adolescents in the age bracket of (14-18). Title of Study: Effects of soft drinks / carbonated drinks to the school going children and adolescents in the U. S. Purpose: The students are invited to participate to allow data collection for the research study. The student has a right to withdraw or reject the questionnaire. CONSENT: Your signature below will indicate that you have agreed to allow your Students to volunteer as a research subject and that you have read and understood the information provided above. Principal’s signature…Joseph Vintantonio Date 10/06/2018 Conclusion The field work was a success but there were challenges such as the process involved a hierarchy approach where one was supposed to get permission from the relevant authorities, the process was also cumbersome and relatively time-consuming especially in recording various data such a weight calculating of BMI of both consumers and non-consumers.
References Bowen, G. A. Mixed-methods research methodologies. The qualitative report, 17(1), 254-280.
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