Minor ethical Dilemma

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

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d. This is age below 18 years. An assumption of capacity protects decision making by oneself. The minors are considered to be underage, and therefore the medical decision on their own is limited. Thus, their medical decision is made on the individual's behalf, taking into consideration their wishes. Serious sickness may turn out to be a controversy, hard and emotive if the accepted decision is restricted, retained or limited to life-sustaining treatment in minors (Larcher, Craig, Bhogal, Wilkinson, & Brierley, 2015, p. In a point whereby, the parental decision for the minor poses a danger to the health of the child, the clinicians are given a permit to offer advice on what best should be done to the patient to avoid making their health at risk. At times, the states become partakers in the medical decision to be undertaken on the pediatric patient, if the parent seems not to comply with the clinicians' judgment.

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There are also religions and cultures that limit parental medical decision making, in such cases, the state authorizes the health professionals to take the best medical action for the best interest of the child to save his/her life that could later be at stake. Therefore, there is a limit to decision making on parental and family side on medical care for the minors. Other ethical challenges when dealing with minors include appropriating limited resources to deserving patients. This occurs when there is insufficient time or staff (Kälvemark et al, 2004, p. Moreover, resources such as bed spaces and drugs may also be limited. At other times, the patient may lack the financial capability to take care of their medical expenses and the nurse may not be sure whether to continue with treatment when it is hospital policy to treat patients who pay up (Kälvemark et al, 2004, p.

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In such a scenario, the nurse may not know whether to violate the rules and continue with treatment or to follow the rules and discontinue treatment, even for critical cases. However, in some instances, they may have opinions, which only seem to worsen conditions of the pediatric patient. Minors are defenseless when going through certain medical conditions and associated risks (RiañoGalán et al, 2018). Moreover, the lack of specific resources may expose them to certain risks within their environment. Where the decision of a parent or guardian does not help alleviate the condition of the child or improve their quality of life, the government can intervene to make a decision that will help the child (RiañoGalán et al, 2018). It, therefore, only approves decisions made in the best interest of the minor.

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Pediatric practice, with time it allows decision-making opinion in medical for the children and the young group (Katz, et al, 2016). It has been common within the medical and legal culture to seek permission from guardians/parents on pediatric patients before medical attention is granted. It has been noted that it is essential for modern pediatric practice to collaborate opinions, views, and powers from the patient, parents and the pediatricians (Katz, et al, 2016). It is very reasonable to provide approval to care, as the patient is required to be involved in decision making to proportionate with their progress Due to transformation in information technology, scientific world, and legal consent, there is constant development in decision-making for the pediatric. The case law addresses issues dealing with medical malpractice since it is rooted from informed consent in the legal concept.

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Care concerning the children should be done routinely since it gives permit on opinions in medical care especially during disclosure of medical attention information and diagnostic. The parental medical decision can be manipulated by the virtues of the medical professional-patient relationship depending on the health conditions of the child. The minor’s decision on medication is mainly relied on from views of their guardians/parents, which may not be optional (Katz et al, 2016). Unless there is danger viewed by a pediatrician, which needs to be addressed and acted upon since medical decision shouldn't be self, centered but should involve medical professionals, family, and the minor patient. The government is entitled to protecting the children from any form of harm and thus can instigate parental decision that will put a minor in a severe risk (Katz, et al, 2016).

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The consequences of letting the minors’ take part in decision making depend on their emotions and not the cognitive structure. The minor dilemma arises mostly due to the lack of informed consent, especially from the parents who are bound to making a medical decision for the minor. It may also be influenced by the living standards of the family, in that they may decide to postpone medication due to lack of finance or scarce resources. This poses a great danger to the health of an individual especially to one who may be requiring immediate medical attention to avoid a severe risk that may build later on. Minors who are of a certain age like seven years and above they should be considered mostly during decision making, since they are in a developing stage, and thus it is easier for them to express their minds logistically.

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Although the approval is authorized, the principals on how to get the approval for research and age limit is not detailed. Parents should be allowed to take part in the minors’ decision making, as it shows the intimacy between them and their children. To attain religion, cultural and family satisfaction, medical decisions concerning the minors’ patients from their parents/guardians should maximize balancing social, emotional and health care needs for the child. It should be made known to the pediatrician that, minors who are in the adolescent stage are capable of making a reasonable decision about their health, and thus they should be engaged in the informed consent. The pediatricians are given the mandate to take part in decision making for the minor's where dilemma arises, and the patient is at risk.

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Medical assistance in dying (MAiD): Canadian nurses’ experiences.  Nursing Forum. doi:10. nuf. Katz, A.  G. Westerholm, P. Arnetz, B. Living with conflicts-ethical dilemmas and moral distress in the health care system.  Social Science & Medicine, 58(6), 1075-1084. Del Río Pastoriza, I. ChuecaGuindulain, M. GabaldónFraile, S. De Montalvo Jääskeläinem, F. Statement by the Spanish Paediatric Association concerning gender diversity in childhood and adolescence: Ethical and legal view from a multidisciplinary perspective. Relational Autonomy: Moving Beyond the Limits of Isolated Individualism.  PEDIATRICS, 133(Supplement), S16-S23. doi:10. peds. d What is minor? Definition and meaning.

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