Mise en scene Elements in Fargo Film

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Film

Document 1

According to the Coen brothers who produced and direct the film they wrote a fictional story around the actual criminal event. This means that the characterization was different although the basic events were same as the real events. Contrary to the opening graphics the actual murder did not take place in Minnesota. The movie was filmed mainly in Minneapolis. The scenes which required landscape with snows were shot in North Dakota and Northern Minnesota. The white snow is splattered with blood when the policeman is shot. Two people who witness the incident follow the two red lights which then disappear. They only see it when the car floods with red when the car is overturned. Also, the boy who runs from the car is also wearing a red jacket.

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He also splatters the snow with blood when he gets shot. There are also small phrases and actions which help views to understand and relate to the characters in the film. For example, Jerry has a nervous and fidgety performance which illustrate that his plans are not going to work. Also, to help set the setting the word ‘yah' is used regularly in the film. In addition, the pregnant policewoman is always eating. While this is common knowledge that when one is pregnant they talk more this help to connect character with the spectators by introducing a sense of humor and personality traits. The scene becomes more powerful when the Jerry is heard screaming as the scratching sound became faster. Also, the bird eye view is used in emphasizing the decisions he made.

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