Moari Health essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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In New Zealand, there is sufficient evidence concerning the differential spread and distribution of social, economic, political and environmental determinants of health (Robson, Cormack & Cram, 2018). The existing inequalities between Maori and non-Maoris prevents the realization of health equality. Exploring Maori health in relation to social-justice and political context provides a deep understanding of these differences. Existing inequalities in education that do not favor the Maori people is a factor that prevents them from achieving similar health levels with other New-Zealanders. Several programs that have been initiated to uplift the educational standards of the Maori people have not been fully achieved. Lack of employment opportunities implies that they will not have access to better standards of living that may increase their chances of poor health conditions.

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Income levels are another critical determinant of health. There is sufficient evidence that shows individuals with low income have higher mortality and morbidity for many injuries and illnesses. Among the Maori and non-Maori’s death rates for individuals who have high income dropped sharply compared to low-income earners (Blakely et al. The average annual income among Maori people is less compared to non-Maori’s. Another survey discovered that Maori women as compared to the total population feel they can have an appointment with their healthcare provider within one day when wanted. Unmet need for a GP was highest for Māori compared to non-Maori, after adjustment for age, one year before the Health Survey. The findings are in line with lower mean yearly exposure by Māori compared to others.

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The study suggests that Maori’s are less likely to offer a choice of appointment. Other studies have also proven that practice staff in healthcare organizations demonstrate poor communication with Maori compared with non-Māori (New Zealand Medical Journal, 2018). Healthcare providers should be able to identify and initiate necessary care for Maori patients especially those that have been recognized as vulnerable to health complications (Sotunsa et al. Health determinants among the Maori are unfavorable and are responsible for the higher figures when it comes to death, life expectancy, mortality rates, and chronic health complications. The revelation that More Maori children are likely to die younger when compared to non-Maori is an indication that numerous health determinants should be reviewed to improve the situation.

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The poor living condition, poor schooling rates, high unemployment, and inaccessibility to healthcare can be blamed for the negative health outcomes. The negative health determinants among the Maori are a great challenge to healthcare providers (Buchanan, 2010). As a registered nurse, I believe I have a role to play in ensuring that I practice safe, high quality, and accessible healthcare to patients regardless of their socioeconomic status or ethnicity. The Maori people are among the disadvantaged groups in New Zealand thus calling for healthcare providers to practice their roles with the goal of improving their conditions. Knowledge on Maori health is a critical aspect that can help healthcare providers in New Zealand to make appropriate decisions’ a nurse, I believe that Maori people need special attention so that their health conditions can be uplifted to better standards.

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As a nurse practitioner, abiding by given health promotion frameworks can significantly improve population health. The Government of New Zealand affirms that Maori as Tangata Whenua holds a special spot. Therefore, it is critical that I reflect the knowledge of Maori health into everyday practice and be willing to provide better services that will eradicate such kind of inequality. As a nurse, I should be a leading change agent. I believe that nurses form the largest workforce in many healthcare organizations, a decision by nurses to adopt the principle of equity in relation to the people of Maori make it easy for the achievement of World Health Organization’s health goals of promoting health equity among the marginalized populations (Starfield, 2011). My decision to adopt a good and warm welcoming attitude towards Maori people will be a starting point in giving them the necessary attention that will help in conducting a comprehensive health assessment of the Maori.

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Various reports indicate that Maori people have bad experiences compared to non-Maori when it comes to receiving healthcare services. A decision by nurses to exercise compassion when handling disadvantaged group can lead to the adoption of a positive culture that may spread to other generations. The element of Oritetanga provides the obligations and duties of the Council and nursing educationists, so it can create partnerships with Maori provide and recognize Maori interest. Be responsive to needs of Maori and ensure that they receive equal opportunities just like the rest of the population. The above recommendations suggest to nurses and healthcare providers that we involve the people of Maori in the healthcare process. The provision that there should be equal treatment of the Maori makes it necessary that as a nurse, I do not discriminate the Maori.

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