Multinational corporation essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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The essay addresses the roles played by recruitment on global integration and adaptation of MNCs to local conditions. Hiring helps MNCs to hire the active employees that lead to increased output. Recruitment structure is a fundamental element to the MNC as it plays various roles on their daily management of the organization. Most of MNCs managers focus on recruitment and selection of new employees who have the best skills and knowledge causing the positive impact (Briscoe and Schuler 2016). Recruitment mostly deals with the hiring process of new human resources into the organization. MNC human resource should organize important strategies that will empower and motivate employees to work hard to increase the productivity of the organization. However, MNC uses various strategies and methods in their recruitment processes.

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The methods include; domestic and local recruitment and have a different impact on the MNCs. Domestic recruitment involves selecting workers to work in another country and has advantages. First, domestic recruitment helps MNCs to reduce communication failure as there is consistency flow of language throughout the organization thus promoting the good working environment. Also, it will help MNC to adopt local conditions as workers recruited has a better understanding of the area. Global integration refers to methods used by MNCs to exploit local resources globally and integrate their daily activities worldwide to reduce cost and increase output. The need for efficiency acts as a motivational factor that influences global integration. Also, technology has played a crucial role in the development and growth of MNCs to manufacture its products globally (Hsu and Iriyama 2016, p.

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For MNCs to adapt to local conditions, strategies have to be made based on various criteria like product type, the taste of the products in different countries, recruitment process and development level of infrastructures. International division structure helps the foreign branches to accommodate its operations without being influenced by Host Company (Tarique and Schuler 2016). Foreign companies are given the power to recruit new employees and manage their activities. Most of MNCs practices greenfield investment as the companies introduce new facilities like manufacturing facilities and sales office while others practices merger where two MNCs come together to carry out business. Furthermore, recruitment to be effective in MNCs two approaches must be considered that is transnational and polycentric approaches to ensure there is a smooth transfer of workers to other branches.

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The polycentric approach helps the MNCs to hire and promote workers who are working in the home country. Therefore, employees are required to adhere to those rules and procedures governing them while undertaking their roles. The systems play a vital role in offering protection to employees when they are performing their tasks. Standardization of HR policies means that all the MNCs organizations practice the same rules to ensure all employees are treated the same. Therefore, most of the MNCs practices standardized human resource policies to overcome the challenges faced by organizations. Most of MNCs human resources practices are poorly drilled, and standardization aims to ensure that those practices are conducted well across all the organization. Therefore, MNCs should practice global integration to promote the human resource department.

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