My professional leadership career

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

The development of the highest form of leadership in the current century setting is the highest target for personal growth. My objectives agree with the cumulative Saudi 2030 vision which includes economic progress through making the most out of the workforce, building a culture rewarding determination and providing equitable opportunities. Making the Most out of a Workforce Firstly, an organization depends on the unity of a workforce to make the required progress in financial gains. I believe in the power of unity to transform any society into a capable group. The Workforce of an organization comprises of people of widely different ethnic and probably socioeconomic background. In this post-modern society, people not only communicate through physical meetings but also memos, computer-based applications and over the internet through emails.

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The diversification of communication channels creates options which when rightly used, creates efficiency in the process of organizational effort to achieve maximum productivity. The future workplace will be completely digitized, with little need for a physical meeting to communicate (Colbert, Yee & George, 2016). Furthermore, the communication options mentioned is a way of fostering interpersonal skills. Employees communicating through those channels learn to consult other employees when making their contribution to the organization, hence reducing the rate of errors committed through working without consultation. The ability to sustain mutual respect as part of organizational values improves the productivity of a task force and opens up the window of interaction which could help generate ideas for the improvement of the company standards. Building a Strong Organizational Culture Firstly, building a culture of rewarding determination is key to the promotion of healthy competition among employees to obtain the prize of determined efforts to contribute to the development of the company.

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The motivation of employees translates to a motivated team which yields better results. I would set up a system where determined employees receive recognition for their efforts by receiving gifts in the audience of other employees. Also, the hard-working employees would even get a chance to get promotions to more advanced roles in the organization, leading to the inspiration of other members of the team to emulate the same. Limiting supervision for untrustworthy people is impossible. The effects would be a disappointment when mistakes happen, further worsening the prospects of development for the employee. The development of trust would be possible through employees being very open in expressing their ideas to supervisors directly above them to confirm the practicality of the suggestions made.

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Once trusted, employees become relentless in their hunger for finding innovative ways to drive an organization’s agenda. Equitable Distribution of Opportunities Firstly, the equitable distribution of opportunities occurs through coming up with clear guidelines for promotion. The diversification of the group also enhances the productivity of the employees by mixing cultural backgrounds, some of which focus on dedication to the service of humanity in different capacities. Successful companies invest heavily in the recruitment process to ensure credibility and transparency in the whole process ("Organizational Ambidexterity and the Multi-generational Workforce", 2019). Unfortunately, missing the mark in one recruitment process through a compromise of integrity may significantly affect the prospects of growth for an organization. Once the integrity of an organization is questionable, the employees and community lose faith in the ability of the company to adhere to its own established values hence destroying the influence of the leadership in shaping the ethical standards set for employees.

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