Neglect and Elder Abuse Is an Issue in the Society That Still Remains Underestimated
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Psychology
In general settings, only 10% of the aged are victims of abuse as compared to over 80% of cases happening in institutions (Dong, 2015). This abuse has negative effects on elders. For instance, it results in depression, anxiety, high mortalities, high admissions, and physical problems. The effects of the abuse are also the indicators of abuse, notifying relevant authorities that an elder is being mistreated since most elders shy away from reporting such cases. Most of the elderly individuals who are victims of abuse are patients suffering from dementia (Blumenfeld Arens, Fierz & Zúñiga, 2016). only 11% reported a case of elder abuse he or she witnessed or did. This means that many cases go unreported making this phenomenon to be underestimated by various human rights organizations as it continues to affect many helpless elderly persons.
The extent of elder mistreatment can be measured through self-reporting by victims or perpetrators, or through observational reports. However, each means has its own merits and demerits. In self-reporting, the limitation are, a person will reveal what seems to be abuse to him or her due to inadequate knowledge about the phenomenon, and will fail to reveal abuse so as not to destroy their relationship with either family or caregivers. Therefore, this implies that the levels of elderly abuse are quite high and less reporting is done. The abuse results in negatives effects such as psychological disorders like depression, physical problems like fractures, malnutrition, and sexual disease like syphilis. As a result, it will affect the quality of care obtained by the elders leading to high mortality increased hospital admissions and hospital stay.
Therefore, looking into these issues critical enables understanding of the root cause and hence formulation of strategies that can mitigate the issue (Corbi et al. Risk Factors and Cause of Elderly Abuse According to Blumenfeld Arens et al. Residents’ aggressive behaviors can also be increased by unreasoning staff, rigid unpleasant routines, and mandatory overtime, among others (Andrews, 2017). Prevention of Elderly Abuse According to Corbi et al. there are measures that are capable of reducing elder abuse. However, studies evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed strategies are still inadequate. Firstly, there is the use of educational campaigns. Emergency shelters could also be set up to provide temporary housing for any victim or health worker whose life is in danger. Facilities should also have adequate personnel looking after the elders, so as to reduce the patient to caregiver ratio.
This reduces overworking and burnout especially among nurses working in hospitals and also ensures efficiency and quality care offered (Corbi et al. Also, hospitals and nursing home facilities could be fitted with video cameras for a constant surveillance of the area, deterring folks who deliberately abuse old people. It is vital since every activity around a facility is digitally recorded and can be used as evidence in court. indicate clearly that neglect and elder abuse is an issue in the society that still remains underestimated, overlooked and hidden. Most of the time, those found abusing the elders are caregivers in institutions and family members at home. Often, the government pays no attention to this issue unless medical malpractice reports erupt, and at such a time, poor observations and wrong conclusions could be made regarding the event.
Data from various studies indicate that several factors result in elder abuse, although a concrete conclusion cannot be formulated since most cases are not reported. This leaves many patients suffering in anguish from the effects of abuse. Grattagliano, I. Ivshina, E. Ferrara, N. Solimeno Cipriano, A. Campobasso, C. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 63(6), 1214-1238. doi: 10. jgs.
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