North Hollywood California Deseases Research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

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This is the vulnerable population in the area that has continued to experience some health-related problems and issues. Interventions, therefore, need to be put in place to help deal with the diseases which affected this age bracket in the area, and one of the major diseases which is on the rise in North Hollywood California among this age bracket is the rising rate of infections of cancer Principles and Concepts of Disease Prevention among the Vulnerable Population The rising spread of cancer is one of the major issues that is affecting many youths in North Hollywood California. The primary cause of the high prevalence of cancer in this area is the continuous and the many cases of drugs and substance abuse in the area. Drug abuse is one of the primary concerns in North Hollywood as most young people are into the use of drugs.

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This is the primary reason that has led to the rising effects and cases of some types of cancer in the area. It is also worth noting that the poverty level in North Hollywood California is quite high and most of the people within the community are poor. It is for this reason that has driven the vulnerable group in the age bracket to drugs and substance abuse as a way of fighting their sorrows and making them feel high and this act as a form of comfort to them. North Hollywood California is also composed of multiracial people. It is an area with a total representation of all races. Majority of the people in the area are of the black immigrants and also the white ethnicity. Educating them on the best method to deal with the disease will, therefore, help in dealing with the problem that has affected many of the youth in the area (Larkin, 2014).

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Evidence-Based Health Care Initiative for the Vulnerable Population The Community Health Task Force can be instrumental in dealing with the massive spread of cancer in the society. This methodology will offer the best strategy that will ensure that there is total program rolled out that will curb the drug abuse menace which has become a great challenge among the youths of North Hollywood California. The Community Health Task Force works by checking all the issues in the society through an evidence-based strategy which is based on findings from the population and developing the best recommendation strategy that ought to be followed in dealing with the issue at hand. For the case of drug abuse in the area, the Community Health Guide Task Force can be an instrumental evidence-based method of checking and dealing with the matter.

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Community health workers have total knowledge of the population and their specific needs, and therefore they can use their expertise and help in creating and developing the best strategy of helping the vulnerable groups. Training the community on the health care related issues is also another method used by the organization to check on the health concerns of the vulnerable population. Training and education work hand in hand and many organizations have employed this method to help impart knowledge to the vulnerable groups on the best healthcare strategy to use in dealing with their health concerns (Horowitz & Lawlor, 2015). Conclusion Cancer is one of the major killer diseases in the world. Various types of cancers affecting different parts of the human body are dominant in the present world. New York: Springer Books, pp23-59 Horowitz, C.

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Lawlor, E. Community Approaches to Addressing Health Disparities. NCBI 16(1), 33. ncbi.

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