Nursing research

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Most of these individuals do not have the capacity to care for themselves hence becoming victims of multiple uncertainties associated with smoking. Nurses equipped with these techniques would help these patients to cope with the complications and challenges arising from smoking. The patient is a 50-year-old male with a history of chronic smoking dating about 25 years. Long-term smoking has deleterious effects on the body especially for senile individuals who are a risk of developing cancer in the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. Nicotine has been found out to be a potent carcinogen. The history of smoking should be about 20 years and above. Men below the age bracket of 50 years will be excluded. “I” in this denotes the preferred intervention over the previous one.

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The intervention being employed in this case is Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). “C” stands for comparison where there is an alternative solution to be compared to the intervention. J. A nursing practice model for chronic illness.  Rehabilitation Nursing, 24(5), 197-200. Abstract As the 21st century approaches, one very important issue for nursing is the increased prevalence of chronic conditions such as arthritis. Self‐management is one way that individuals can cope with the uncertainty and many changes chronic illness brings. Abstract Smoking is a process that involves inhaling smoke of burning tobacco. The inhaled tobacco smoke consists of over four thousand chemicals mainly nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, which is responsible for death causing diseases. Every year 6 million people die because of tobacco consumption.

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  To overcome the risk of death, various smoking cessation therapies are followed which include cold turkey, non-NRT, e-cigarette and NRT. This review focuses on NRT which basically provides nicotine in order to relieve craving and withdrawal symptoms. The examples provided demonstrate specific benefits in the creation of a culturally congruent picture of chronic pain management for American Indians, and the determination of a way to assess cost for providing chronic pain care. Ebbert, J. O. , Hays, J. T. NRT and bupropion). Combination therapy with different types of NRT may provide a therapeutic advantage by increasing serum nicotine concentrations, and combination therapy with different drugs may capitalize on synergy obtained from two different mechanisms of action. However, controversy exists regarding this approach.

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Available data suggests that combination therapy may increase abstinence rates compared with monotherapy. However, the cost effectiveness of this approach has not been clearly demonstrated. 1 However, despite the enthusiastic promotion of self-care, randomized controlled trials often show modest benefits. 2 We examine why current initiatives fail to deliver and suggest what needs to be done. Wright, A. J. , Sutton, S. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of pharmacogenomics prescribing of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) on smokers' initial expectations of quit success, adherence, and perceived important differences from previous quit attempts. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 40 smokers, purposively sampled from the Personalized Extra Treatment (PET) trial (ISRCTN 14352545). Together with NRT patches, participants were prescribed doses of oral NRT based on either mu-opioid receptor (OPRM1) genotype or nicotine dependence questionnaire score (phenotype).

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