Optimality of the thinking styles

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

In this case, oligarchic thinking style is very workable because there is a variety of decision when selling products (Krugman, 10). In every probable decision, there are outcomes which need a thorough examination based on the expectation of the company considering the financial status and the provision of the alternative company. Internal thinking provides an individual with the chance of silent evaluation without the other party noticing (Kirsh, 441). Successful evaluation of the next party without their consent is very important and efficient since there is a higher probability of one getting accurate information concerning the matter of question. Psychological assessment is very important and efficient especially when data is gained through observation. When the negotiation is complete, the agent can give a final statement which when thought properly, gives the optimum results (Berlin, 13).

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The negotiation case in question can be well addressed by the internal thinkers for they are quick to listen and very keen in observation. As a result, every bit of negotiation will be captured and the decision made will be informed and worth. The oligarchic thinking style preference and the internal thinking style scope is likely to produce optimal and workable results. Adjustments to make the thinking style more optimal The thinking habits described above are workable but there can be slight adjustments to maximize the satisfaction of the two parties. However, my price was $ 3. 71 which was inclusive of an extra 10% I charged the client. The client was disputing my offer on grounds that the return on the investment that was going to be realized by the company he represented as a result of this transaction was minimal (Andrade et al.

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After a period of negotiation, the client was willing to make a slight increase and give $ 3. 3 million. 5 and hence there was a need to consider them more (Lai, 40). The psychological handling would help to show the companies of the seriousness and rebrand the quality of the good (Gonzalez et al. The range, however, small successfully acted as an instrument of negotiation and bargain and in the end, the client from Wilmar Holdings was willing to purchase at $3. Stage 2 Pashendale Holdings Ltd RE: Proposal to Purchase Commercial Property 34 Fairmount St, Gumdale, Brisbane Dear Muhamad This letter is projected to outline the key terms of a proposal considered by a potential buyer regarding the acquisition of Commercial Property 34 Fairmount St, Gumdale, Brisbane. Acquisition of Assets at the Prevailing Price Upon the satisfaction of the conditions covered in this letter, at the end of the negotiation process, the interested buyer will acquire the proposed asset and assume all the identified liabilities.

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The negotiation process for the sale of the proposed asset will be terminated under the following conditions: Termination: through mutual agreement between the seller and buyer. Bid Expiration: The offer is expected to remain in effect till the end of next month unless terminated by the seller or accepted by the buyer before expiration of the bid duration. Stage 3 Pashendale Holdings Ltd RE: Proposal to Purchase Commercial Property 34 Fairmount St, Gumdale, Brisbane Dear Muhamad, Sales agent Following the negotiation that took place to discuss the nature and size of the asset as well as the selling price of the proposed asset, the following are the salient outcomes of the negotiation: The negotiation process enabled both sides, the seller and buyer to understand the terms and conditions of the transaction they were to engage in.

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