Past Experience Is Majorly Factored in Decision Making

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

The cognitive perspective considers it to be a continuous process through which one has an interaction with their environment as it suits them best. In many disciplines, decision making is considered to be a problem-solving activity as its termination is usually terminated by the creation of a satisfactory solution. The process is also dependent on knowledge and beliefs whether explicit or tacit. In a scenario where an individual is faced with a problem, they engage with the decision making process by ensuring that they exhaustively analyze a finite set of alternatives in comprehensive and evaluative criteria. The decision maker than ranks the alternatives according to how appealing they find them to be. One should gather facts and information so that they can assess their options.

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Thereafter, they should brainstorm and settle several appropriate possible choices. They then have to consider whether their choices have a compatibility to their abilities, values, and interests. The possible outcomes should be weighed so that one clearly understands the consequences of their choices. This can be done by creating a list of cons and pros where important considerations are prioritized. After finding the most appropriate choice, they implement them in an appropriate manner and start monitoring their effects (Bryson, 2018). Section 2 I have learned that when making a divorce decision, it is very important that an individual considers various aspects and factors. Initially, I did not clearly identify what I needed to think about when making the decision, a factor which may result in more frustration and indecision.

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Therefore, I decided to note down the things that I should have figured out about the divorce with an open mind so that the process was way simpler. Initially, I ensured that I was emotionally ready to engage in the decision. I found these considerations to be the toughest elements of breaking away from the failed marriage. It was overpowering and complicated the divorce decision even further. It should be noted that these factors were intertwined and directly affected each other. They were however very significant in the decision that I was about to make. For instance, self-confidence is very important in the making of a lucid divorce decision. This was very fundamental to the decision since it ensured that it would be an all rounded procedure that would not cause havoc to other parties.

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I also investigated whether the decision would improve or decrease my life quality. Looking into the future enabled me to weigh the long-term sustainability of the decision not only to me but also to other people that I cared about. I had feared that the decision would take a negative toll on my children, hence considered that maybe it was an utterly horrible idea. However, through the help of my counsellor, I learned that I should be more inclined towards logic rather than emotion when evaluating the decision. After the researcher states the respective values and probabilities, the participants are subjected to a gamble where past research has no application whatsoever of prior experience. By considering these factors, it is now understandable why there have been biases and anomalies in many of the decision making researches.

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Rather than consider decision making as an activity that only presents itself in novel situations, it should be acknowledged that decisions are made on a daily basis and they involve experience and routine. It is therefore advisable that individuals engage in comprehensive and wise decision-making procedures continuously in their day to day engagement to create a sustainable continuum that elevates the likelihood of making the right decisions in the right manner when critical situations arise (Betsch, 2014). Other researchers have focused on the naturalistic decision-making framework. Navy Aegis cruiser. This was blamed on the intense pressure, uncertainty, and dynamics of the situation that were further complicated by the limited time required to make a viable decision. It sparked a research on how personnel could commit themselves appropriately to deciding on the course of action from a range of plausible alternatives even in situations whereby one cannot possibly identify or compare the alternatives.

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