Peak Hotel Case Study

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

The goals set in place in an organization, the employees in the organization and external environment influence the leadership style to be used. For example, a direct and dictatorial type of leadership is used in emergency serving organizations such as firefighting departments or the SWAT team where the leaders do not care about a person’s sensitivity but the quickness of accomplishing the team job. Failing entrepreneurial organizations tend to use this style but in most cases people do not react well to it. This is the type of leadership employed by the new management in the case study. For one to be a successful leader, they must have various important values. This can be through various methods such as linking up two different expectations like the expectation that if one works hard they bear good results and that good results result to attractive rewards.

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Another example can be restating the vision to others in terms of how it will benefit them and their potential customers. ii. Staff Leaving (turnover) retention Staff tunover refers to the number of staff that leave an organization and get replaced by other new staff. Staff turnover is an expensive ordeal that organizations should maintain and control at all times (Guilding, Lamminmaki, & McManus, 2014). This tends to “chase” the workers of the hotel to other better paying companies. The performance of the organization is deemed to be affected in a negative manner as customers have raised multiple complains about the organization. iii. Motivation Motivation is defined as efforts within an individual that provide the necessary direction and effort needed for the achievement of a certain work.

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It can also be defined as a set of forces that make people to make decisions to adopt specific behaviors from the many alternatives they have. These needs include, but not limited to shelter, food, sex and air (MIner, 2015). When human beings do not achieve the physiological needs they tend to feel irritated, sick or discomfort. These feelings can be relieved by rising above them. Only when human beings have achieved these needs can they “shoot” for the next level of needs, safety needs. Safety needs are those that pertain the security of individuals. According to Herzberg these aspects are essential in organizations, but they do not motivate individuals (MIner, 2015). However, if they are not realized, then an employee or person becomes dissatisfied.

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They’re physiological in nature. The upper level is known as the Motivators. These are psychological in nature. Compensation packages are composed of aggregate of the direct and indirect benefits that employers receiving for working. Direct benefits may include the base salary, bonuses and commissions, amongst others (Milkovich, Newman, & Gerhat, 2012). Indirect benefits may include insurances, vacations and pension plans, amongst others. Managers can employ content theories to motivate their employees’ needs. Using the Maslow’s hierarchies of needs to motivate employees can increase the presence of workers in a work environment. New employees that are recruited into the hotel should be given formal training to ensure that they are well skilled. However, it would be better if the hotel retains its skilled labour and attract the ones that had left by increasing their salaries and wages.

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The organization should perform a training needs assessment. Training needs assessment is a method and process that is used to assemble data that is used to find out the training needs that exist in an organization. This leads to the development of training that can be formulated for the purpose of aiding an organization to achieve the objectives it has set. The top managerial departments should be part of the recruitment process to ensure that the technical considerations of the various departments are evaluated. Organizations should also employ competency models in the recruitment process. A competency model is a collection of competencies or framework that is used to organize an assembly of observable skills, behaviors, and attitudes that influence the quality of work done by workers in an organization (Sanghi, 2016).

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