Personal Morality Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

This means that every person is responsible creating a coherent set of ethical rules and being able to apply them in making moral decisions, decisions that will eventually turn in to actions that constitute a life worth living. Every person has a role to play in their daily life and often faced with difficult life choices, the paper aims to analyze how personal ethics may come in handy when applied to social or contemporary issues. An example of how to make a personal ethical regarding the controversial issue of bioethics. The paper will concentrate on the cases of terminally ill patients where its normally assumed that the doctors have the final say or judgement on a person’s health status. Such cases are covered in the doctor-assisted death.

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However, this approach has some weakness as most of the patients may not be in the right state of mind to make proper decisions and doctors will have to wait for longer periods thus delaying the treatment process. Also, the approach may also involve a lot of emotional dedication which may result to depression to both the patients and the nurses. In the field of philosophy, ethical behavior is all actions that are socially acceptable within the different communities and globally. Philosophy strongly suggests that when developing a personal set of principles, one should use concepts that will allow him or her to criticize the right or wrong opinions or behavior (Rachels & Rachels, 2015). The ideas should not be relative to the difficult situation that one faces and should also not be subject to change according to a person’s desires.

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Physician-assisted death is a case where a healthcare provider offers a deadly drug capable of ending one’s life without causing any pain to the terminally patient (Galishoff, 2016). Throughout the years, different people have been for the legalization of physician-assisted death despite numerous ethical prohibitions. Most people have concerns about how they will die, and they support the idea of killing by medicine. The other side that opposes the plan has concerns with the fact that cure has at most times come at the expense of proper end-of-life care. In medicine, the doctors are assumed to be the one with the final say on a person’s health status. Critical health conditions have several adverse effects on both the person suffering from the disease and the family as already discussed earlier in the paper.

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From, the financial perspective, such chronic conditions can be a heavy burden to the family as not all can afford to buy all the medications required to treat the critical individuals (Galishoff, 2016). Family members of the ill individuals may have to go out of their normal duties just to make ends meet and to take care of the medical care bill of the loved ones. Additionally, if the act of physician-assisted death is legalized, it may encourage some medical experts to participate in some behaviors that are not ethically acceptable. Doctors dealing with terminally ill individuals may be tempted to end someone’s life without their consent for their gain. After the above analysis of the contemporary bioethics issue, it very clear that despite its numerous advantages, the act should never be legalized anywhere in this world.

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