Personal Strategic Plan

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

This has enabled me to assess the opportunities and threats in my environment and to plan for the future. This paper contains in small detail what I know about myself but I am still discovering more about myself as I am introduced to new ideas, environments and experiences. Life lessons The most important lessons in my life came when I was still very young. I will always appreciate the roles that my family and friends played in causing the experiences that have shaped my life. They are lessons that I remind myself when I have to make a difficult choice and have been major milestones in my life. At that point of my life I got to learn that life was not as easy as I thought it was.

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And then it grew in me to become independent and self-reliant. There was no way to find out this earlier in my life since everything was free. I have come to find out that self-reliance is a very important virtue since I started living on my own. Being independent both in material things and spiritually is a beautiful thing. Any person born in a Christian family like me will agree that the religion has a way of growing into a person and pushing out other religious beliefs. As a matter of fact, when I was a child I believed that any other religion that is not Christianity was a satanic movement. Then I went to high school. It was a boarding school that had students from communities with a variety of religious beliefs including majorly Christians and Muslims.

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For some reason the Islam students had isolated themselves to a certain corner in the dormitory. Never be judgmental. Accept people the way they are, and try to look at life from their point of view. This way hatred and prejudice will not run your life. Values Every day I try to become a better person. To achieve this, I do my best to adhere to various personal core values. Since they are outcast, many people will be shut out from what they have to offer. This could be new knowledge or opportunities in life. Being hardworking is another value I adhere to. Nothing good comes easy in life. One has to put a lot of effort to achieve greatness. The value of loyalty is an important as well.

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It comes easily when one finds something they are interested in. A loyal person remains focused to their obligations. In the case of employment, a loyal employee will not abandon their job even in times of difficulty. If you truly believe in something, why abandon it? Thus I will always remain loyal to what I believe in, and the people I am involved with. It demands a level of aggressiveness. This is important when pushing ideas that one strongly believes in. These ideas should be backed with evidence and facts. It would be unwise to push ideas that don’t have a strong basis. I am always assertive with ideas that I have researched comprehensively and found to be absolutely correct.

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Being humble makes life so much easier and better for everyone; no rude or egotistic megalomaniacs. I believe that the world would be so much more enjoyable if there were more humble people. Strengths My greatest strength is also the best tool that the world has given to me until now is knowledge. I have studied at university where I have gained knowledge and skills that make me very suitable for my field. Besides learning to communicate fluently and effortlessly in English, I have used the language to gather a lot of other skills both in my professional career and in my personal life. Career development is easily achieved working in regions of the world with developing and developed economies. New companies, businesses and industries are emerging every day and the ones that already exist are rapidly expanding to fulfill the wonderful mind of a 21st century man.

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Demand for services and manufactured products are increasing significantly. This makes the current age and the near future a very friendly ground to develop careers in any field. In fact, getting a job has never been easier than it is now. All the values that I possess are a key advantage because they make me stand out from my peers as well. These are a few of the advantages that put me at a better position to get a job and advance. Goals I have classified my goals into short term and long term goals. In four years, I would like to be making at least three times the money that I am making now by putting more effort in my work such as doing presentations and volunteering for activities at work to get promotions.

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