Personal Trainer Program Planning

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

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Being professionals, trainers need to take these responsibilities to clients seriously. The objective of the training should be to help the client in successfully meeting their individual goals that will ensure a healthy, integrated fitness lifestyle. Client’s initial interview Initially, an initial interview will be held with Selina to effectively draw her to the fitness lifestyle. The interview will be done face-to-face, that is in-person to get a chance to know the client, and the client to know their trainer. The interview will act as an opportunity to build on rapport with the client and to discuss more on their expectations in the upcoming 12 weeks of training. Specific condition as per client profile From the profile, Selina just had her first baby few months back and is currently ready to get rid of the excess ‘baby weight’ and have toned up body by summer.

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Selina is not very experienced in sports or exercise, but she is active with hiking before pregnancy, yoga and dancing. Following the initial data collected, Selina has a body mass index (BMI) of 24. which is considered normal, though it is in the high end of the normal range (Center for Disease Control, 2018). Selina’s ideal weight as per the discussion was between 130-135 lbs. Selina’s body fat was 33% a level referred to as clinical obesity (Ramírez-Vélez, et al. The reason for this could be the fat changes in her body as she was two months postpartum. Following the health history, fitness level, and lack of contradictions no further medical help will be sought and no GXT will be needed prior to the exercise program initiation. Selina’s goal is to shed the excess weight due to pregnancy.

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Using the pre-pregnancy weight as a guide, and Selina’s ideal body weight body fat percentage and target weight were set. All these were discussed and none of them affected her involvement in the exercise program. Timing of Selina’s program is twelve weeks, and she is only available on 3-4 days per week. At the end of the interview, payment was made and date set for the first training session where basic assessments, stretching and light cardio will be done. A twelve week training program was to be designed after the interview which would act as the guide for the treatment and it would be sent out to her prior to the first session of training. Fitness tests, methods of evaluation and assessments, and data collection The first and second trainings will include introductions to the exercises through demonstrations with low weights such as a hollow PVC pipe for the body weights, barbell, machine exercise, and dumbbell.

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week Training Program Week 1 and part of week 2 will be the foundation period and the client will be familiarizing with the gym, and getting introduced to exercises and equipment. Two sessions will be used to give details on safety when using equipment, operations and proper form. Demonstrations. And movement will be done and the client will be closely observed and machines adjusted to fit her mechanics. Stretches and low intensity exercises will be done and yoga will continue. It will be three days in a week. The load will be increases by 5% between the sets Cardio routine 20-30 minutes low to moderate intensity with most focus being on cardio strengthening and burning of fats. MONDAY (lower body strengthening) Warm-up Stationary bike 5 minutes Dynamic/static stretching 5 minutes Free weights Sets Reps Rest (Sec) Comments/ weight Deadlift 3 10-8-6 90 Back squat 3 12-10-8 90 45-65-85 lbs.

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Machines Sets Reps Rest (Sec) Comments/ weight Leg press 2 5 90 No weight Seated leg curls 2 5 90 No weight Seated leg extensions 2 5 90 No weight Standing calf raises 3 5 90 No weight Cardio Duration Intensity Comments Elliptical 20 min RPE 11-12 Mobility Yoga/stretching 20 min WEDNESDAY (Upper body strengthening) Warm up Dynamic/static stretching 3 minutes Row 5 minutes Free weights Sets Reps Rest (sec) Weights/comments Bench press 3 10-8-6 90 25-35-45 lbs. Barbell row 3 12-10-8 90 Dumbbell triceps kick back 2 12-10 90 Dumbbell curls 2 2-10 90 Machines Sets Reps Rest (sec) Weights/comments Overhead press 3 12-10-8 90 Overhead pull down 3 12-10-8 90 Cable flyers 2 15-10 90 Cardio Duration Intensity Comments Treadmill 30 min RPE 11-12 Light intensity Mobility Yoga/stretching 20 min FRIDAY( body weight and core exercises) Warm up Dynamic/static stretching 3 min Treadmill 5 min Routine Sets Reps Rest (sec) Perform as many rounds a possible, with minimal rest in the 30 minutes Row 1 500m Air squats 1 20 Push ups 1 10 Sit ups 1 20 Row 1 500m Burpees 1 10 Lunges 1 15 each Mobility Yoga/stretching 20 min Week 7-9, will be a period of building fitness and developing strength.

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Strength routine Lower resistance and high reps workouts Cardio routine Aim at optimizing the cardiovascular system, burning of fats. The two rest days will be dedicated to swimming, hiking or biking. MONDAY (cardio and multi-joint exercise) Warm-up Row 5 minutes Treadmill 5 minutes Free weights Sets Reps Rest (Sec) Comments/ weight Deadlift 4 15-12-10-10 120 50%1RM Initially Back squat 4 15-12-10-10 120 50% 1RM Initially Cardio Duration Intensity Comments Treadmill 30 min RPE 11-12 500m per 3 sets, 3 min rest Row 1500m RPE 11-12 3 min slow / I min fast Mobility Yoga/stretching 30 min WEDNESDAY (plyometric and bodyweight) Warm up Dynamic/static stretching 3 minutes Row 5 minutes Exercises Sets Reps Rest (sec) Weights/comments 1 set of exercise before the second Box jumps 2 20 120 Box 18” Push ups 2 15-10 60 Sit ups 2 25-20 60 Star jumpers 2 10 60 Superman’s 2 20 60 Flutter kicks 2 30 60 Burpees 2 10 120 Windshield wipers 2 15 60 Walking lunge 2 15 60 Toe to bar 2 15 60 Cardio Duration Intensity Comments Bike 30 min RPE 11-12 Light intensity Mobility Yoga/stretching 20 min THURSDAY (Full cardio ) Warm up Dynamic/static stretching 3 min Row 2 min Routine Sets Time (Min) Intensity Rest (sec) Treadmill 1 10 RPE 11-12 None Treadmill 1 5 RPE 13-14 60 Row 1 500m RPE 13-14 60 Treadmill 1 10 RPE 11-12 60 Treadmill 1 5 RPE 13-14 60 Elliptical 1 10 RPE 11-12 None Row 1 500m RPE 11-12 None Cool down Duration Intensity Comments Bike 5 minutes Easy Mobility Yoga/stretching 45 min Nutritional strategy The focus of the nutritional strategy is to ensure that Selina has enough animal nutrients as she is rarely consumes meat.

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Animal nutrients such as EPA, creatinine and creatinine are important because they enhance the growth of muscles and general health. Supplementation will also be done for iron, vitamin B 12, omega 3 fats, iodine, zinc, calcium, and vitamin D. Despite the little weight lifting experience, her body was gradually introduced to this resistance training that offered greatest stress, followed by adaptation. Strength training was added to protect Selina against any injuries, and to ensure that the muscle and joints are healthy. Assessments were done thrice and they acted as guides for assessment and indicator for need to change aspects in the training program in case of no change. References Baby Centre. When can I start to exercise after giving birth? Retrieved from https://www. edu/blog/index. cfm/2017/what nutrition-advice-can-a-personal-trainer-give Kavanaugh, A. The Role of Progressive Overload in Sports Conditioning.

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 Conditioning Fundamentals. NSCA’s Performance Training Journal, 6(1). pdf Ramírez-Vélez, R. Correa-Bautista, J. E. Sanders-Tordecilla, A. Ojeda-Pardo, M. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. Verkhoshansky, N. General adaptation syndrome and its applications in sport training.  Special Strength Training Methodology. We Schools.

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