Physiological Principles for Health Social Care

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

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The examination can be keenly undertaken via, methodical observation, partition, as well as by exact study governed by magnifying machines, for example; microscopes, X-Ray scan, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) scan, MRI scan, etc. Similar anatomy is also divided into two major groups namely; microscopic anatomy and gross anatomy. Gross anatomy is commonly related to structures that can generally be seen with bare eyes. For instance, the analysis of the nervous system of the human body which entails collection of numerous nerves 1. Also, analysis of the sheet of the inferior spine as a result of MRI to determine the form, size, and position of a disc that is prolapsed is one of the simplest examples of anatomical gross study and investigation.

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Its main objective is to pump blood throughout the entire body system. Anatomy of the Heart First, the size of the heart is almost similar to that of the fist. Also, it is roughly the cone’s shape. The heart is approximately 12 cm lengthy, cross-section of about 9cm and thickness close to 6cm. the pericardium is a fibrous casing responsible for the protection of the heart. Ventricles on consequently primary purpose are to pump blood out of the heart to various body parts. The lungs are supplied with blood by the right ventricle, whereas the left ventricle supplies blood to the rest of the body. The walls of the ventricles are thicker than the upper chambers of the heart for easier circulation of blood to the entire body.

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Blood Vessels Blood vessels are tubular like in structure and are responsible for blood transportation. Arteries and veins are examples of blood vessels, which transport blood to the body from the heart, and back to the heart from the body respectively 1. Respiratory system The respiratory system is essentially for exhalation and inhalation purposes in the body. It involves taking in of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide as well. The process occurs through oxidization of minute glucose molecules to release energy. Breathing indirectly linked to internal respiration, whereas internal respiration is connected to breathing out. The process begins from the nose and mouse cavity through to the trachea commonly known as windpipe to the lungs. The upper respiratory tract entails, inhaling constituents, nose, and mouth.

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The bottom tract of the respiratory system consists of the bronchi, windpipe, lung organs and exhaling parts. The entire system contains throat, mouth stomach, colon, rectum and also the anus 1. The Reproductive System The primary function of the reproductive system of the reproductive system is to give rise to a young one of the same kind as the parent. It is composed of both female and male reproductive organs, responsible for the production of sex cells. The size of the fallopian tube is approximately that of the two hairs, ectopic pregnancies often occur in the fallopian tube. Ovulation, on the other hand, is defined as the process whereby a mature egg is slowly released from the ovaries and pushed down the walls of the fallopian tubes to the uterus.

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Ovulation occurs as a result of the production of secondary oocyte ovarian cells due to the follicles separation 1. It, therefore, occurs every 14th day of each menstrual cycle. The egg is directed to the uterus after going through the fallopian tube for fertilization by the sperm. The Cowper’s glands positioned in the lower region to the prostate, and anterior to the anus are responsible for the secretion of a thin alkaline fluid 1. The fluid helps in rapid sexual arousal in readiness for ejaculation to allow easy flow of semen through the urethra. Semen is normally ejected out of the body during sexual intercourse; it is the fluid releases by males for reproduction. Semen protects the male gamete which is the sperm.

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The semen is a clear, thickly and sticky fluid with a neutral PH that enables the sperm to stay in the vagina after sexual intercourse so that it can facilitate neutralization of the acidic nature in the vagina. Growth hormone is secreted and released by the pituitary glands 3. The principal role of the cellular metabolism is to produce essential chemical metabolic reactions about the general human body functioning. The reactions occur by specific metabolic pathways where maintaining of normal body functioning and homeostasis period of the body is enabled. This allows the organisms to develop and repair themselves. Cellular metabolism is usually divided broadly into Anabolism and catabolism. 1 Normal body response to daily physical activities In accordance to the scenario given of a 25-year-old college student.

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Breathing is a physiological process which entails exhaling and inhaling of carbon dioxide and oxygen respectively. It also seeks to complete the body’s metabolic processes. During breathing in, oxygen is transported to the lungs through the trachea. Additionally, when the air is sent into the lungs via the upper respiratory system, there is the increase in the thoracic volume. Task 2. 2 Body response by cellular tissue and tissue structure and physiology During a physical activity particular tissues in numerous organisms in the body respond differently in accordance to how they are triggered. The distinct responses are clearly described by the cellular structure and tissue together with the body’s physiology. Variations in collaboration about physiology are due to the numerous responses.

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Similarly, cutaneous vasodilation helps in stimulating respiratory, skeletal and also heart muscles. Research shows that the flow of urine is significantly influenced by the levels of an antidiuretic hormone in plasma through more engaging and powerful exercises. When the young man participates in activities that require more energy, it possesses an effect on bones as well as the joints. In the process of his exercising the bones experience an intense muscle tissue strain, thus making them stronger 6. Stretched and Prolonged movement is controlled and regulated by the joints and active muscles. Task 2. For this reason, the Central Nervous System cannot repair itself after damage 2. According to the madman, synapses and Neurotransmission allow communication within the nervous system. The Nervous somatic system, as well as Autonomic Nervous System, is the major contributors to the Peripheral Nervous system.

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An automatic nervous system must stabilize the internal environment and respond in accordance to the specific changes and occurrences 1. The involuntary act of the ANS permits smooth and cardiac muscles regulation which are considered as body reflexes 9. HIPPA gives care to medical specialists together with their patients. Additionally, it allows confidentiality on patient records as well as doctors. The personal data of the patient is maintained with highly level confidentiality. Therefore, HIPPA aims at upholding the dignity of human right act related to the patient 11. The estimated absolute temperature of the human body ranges between 97. ”Hypothermia” is a situation whereby the estimated body temperature falls to less than or equal to 95 degrees Celsius. Body temperature above 100 degrees results to fever 12. The number of times the heart pumps per second to allow blood flow is connected to pulse rate.

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When a 65-year-old man pumps close to 100 beats per second, the pulse rate is considered accurate. Pulse rate is also linked to the rate of respiration in that, the absolute respiration rate for a middle-aged individual is assumed to be in the range of 15-17 breathing per every 60 seconds. 3 how information about body functioning may inform care planning for individuals Care planning measure for a 65-year-old man in relation the normal body functioning will be as follows; from the task, we are given an aging man prone to hypertension and severe chest pain 4. We can assume this is as a result of the daily activities he undertakes According to psychological stress and depression is significantly linked to the temperature of the body.

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For the level of homeostasis in three young man’s body is altered extremely 4. Therefore the man will experience very elevated body temperatures exceeding the normal rate. The 65 years old man is likely to strain so much during the day hence we postulate that his BP can be unfavorably very low or high in comparison to the absolute one which is 120/80 beats per second 1. Due to aging, the senior woman will tend to adopt different intellectual performances and acts by wisdom, knowledge, and experiences. In that aging forces a person to copy material trend and also verbal capabilities 1. The response towards actions and also touch will decrease as a result of aging. For the spinal cord of the 85-year-old woman is weak and it is the one that plays a key role in controlling reaction time related to different bodily environments 3.

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The PNS, on the other hand, is likely to transport few impulses than the required hence affecting the voluntary effort. For it is assumed that blood is limited against easy flowing via veins and arteries 1. Diabetes on the other hand damages the old woman’s body. In the sense that her suffering from high blood sugar levels persistence, results to prolonged effects to her kidneys functioning of the heart and even the body’s psychological condition. Gastro paresis, stroke, nephropathy, ketones and DKA disorders are due to the effect of high diabetes 2 in the human body. Research also brings to light that high blood sugar levels are commonly associated with failure of kidney, and even a person can become blind 6. Likewise, an individual should make an effort of always undergoing medical checkups about the states of hemodynamic such as blood pressure, impulse rate and temperature among others 6.

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