Picot statement on labor induction

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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The link between the articles and the relevance in the current practice of nursing is also discussed. Most articles have shown that while the use of oxytocin (or any other labor inducer) may have effects on both neonatal and obstetrical outcomes. The critiques seek to establish the possible complications as alluded to in the various studies. The findings from the studies indicate that there is need for health professional to understand the pros and cons of using labor induction. The induction of labor has been found to cause some complications during the intrapartum period. The researchers aimed at establishing the possible merits and demerits of labor induction. The findings point to the fact that the use of oxytocin in labor induction is associated with complications if not done with caution. The complications are common at intrapartum period and are life threatening.

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The observations justify the need to understand labor induction fully before preferring it to spontaneous labor. The induced labor, if well managed, is an important part of an effective and safe child birth process. Relevance of the findings in the practice of nursing The observations and findings from this study and other related studies clearly indicate that the use of oxytocin in labor induction increases the chances of caesarean section deliveries and complications associated with the surgical operation. The findings are useful to the nurses and other health care professionals in making decisions on whether to induce labor or not. A good understanding of the labor induction outcomes will help nurses to make better decisions that ensure outcomes that improve patient care and preserve lives. Use of labor induction only when needed is another approach to the reduction in undesirable outcomes during and after childbirth.

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Ethical considerations The study design was approved by the authorities before the study was carried out. Tita, A. et al. Labor Induction versus Expectant Management in Low-Risk Nulliparous Women. The New England Journal of Medicine. DOI: 10. The findings are valid and reflect reality to some extent. The findings are limited by the fact that they do not give a clear advantage of the induction over expectant management. The results are presented in an orderly and logical way giving a sense of coherence and clarity. The findings of the study can be used to supplement the current practices in nursing in obstetrics. Further studies need to be done to ascertain the clear role of labor induction in minimizing perinatal complications in low risk patients. The studies published recommend that the use of induced labor should be left to the professionals who fully understand the implications of inducing labor during childbirth.

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Oxytocin induction of labor is to be used as a last resort to prevent the undesirable obstetric and neonatal outcomes that come with induced labor. The link between PICOT statement, the study and the nursing practice problem The PICOT statement attempts to establish the effect of labor induction on the obstetrical and neonatal outcomes during the intrapartum period. The induction of labor and management of spontaneous labor in expectant women was compared to establish the advantages of one method over the other. The improper and irrational use of labor induction in child birth has led to more severe obstetrical and neonatal complications in childbirth and thus the need to study the extent of harm. Tita, A. et al. Labor Induction versus Expectant Management in Low-Risk Nulliparous Women. The New England Journal of Medicine.

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DOI: 10.

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